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Tulsa, Oklahoma
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The Fujita Scale

F0 less than 73 mph Minor Damage
F1 73 to 112 mph Moderate Damage - Peels surface off roofs; windows broken; trailor houses pushed or overturned; trees on soft ground uprooted; some trees snapped; moving autos pushed off the road.
F2 113 to 157 mph Considerable Damage - Roof torn off frame houses leaving strong upright walls standing; weak structures or outbuildings demolished; trailor houses demolished; railroad boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted; light-object missiles generated; cars blown off highway; block structures and walls badly damaged.
F3 158 to 206 mph Severe Damage - Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed frame houses; some rural buildings completely demolished or flattened; trains overturned; steel framed hanger-warehouse type structures torn; cars lifted off the ground and may roll some distance; most trees in forest uprooted, snapped or leveled; block structure often leveled.
F4 207 to 260 mph Devastating Damage - Well-constructed frame house leveled, leaving piles of debris; structure with weak foundation lifted, torn, and blown some distance; trees debarked by small flying debris; sandy soil eroded and gravels fly high in the wind; cars thrown some distance or rolled considerable distance finally to disintegrate; large missiles generated.
F5 261 to 318 mph Incredible Damage - Strong fram houses lifted clear off foundation and carried considerable distance to disintegrate; steel-reinforced concrete structures badly damaged; automobiles-sized missiles fly through the distance of 100 yards or more; trees debarked completely; incredible phenomena can occur.
F6 319 to 379 mph Inconceivable Damage - Large objects such as storage tanks and automobiles will fly through a long distnace; home foundations ripped from ground. Assessment of tornadoes in these categories is feasible only through detailed survey involving engineering and areodynamical calculations as well as meteorological models of tornadoes.
F7 - F12 380 mph to the Speed of Sound Not expected to occurr!

National Weather Service
Tulsa, OK
10159 E. 11th St. Suite 300
Tulsa, OK 74128
Date modified: March 23, 2004
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