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Speakers' Bureau image Speakers' Bureau image
Speakers' Bureau image Speakers' Bureau image

Speakers' Bureau

Laboratory employees who are members of the Berkeley Lab Speakers' Bureau volunteer to make presentations to local organizations such as neighborhood associations, civic groups, and business organizations.If your group or association would like to invite a guest speaker from Berkeley Lab to an upcoming meeting, simply contact the Berkeley Lab Speakers' Bureau (510-486-4387), or fill out a Speakers' Bureau Request Form. Advance notice of one month is recommended, especially for certain currently popular topics. A speaker can be selected to talk about specific research projects or other, more general, science-related topics.  Some topical issues and topics of general interest are:

  • The Supernova Project: Discovering the Fate of the Universe
  • Fusion -- Energy for the Future
  • The Genome and Its Applications
  • Carbon Sequestration: Capture and Long-Term Storage of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in the Oceans
  • Environmental Biotechnology: Remediation of Contaminated Sites
  • Protein Crystallography: Deciphering the Structure and Functions of the Protein
  • Leaking Electricity
  • Building Technologies and Energy Analysis
  • Rebuild America Project -- Design Assistance to Local Communities for Retrofitting Buildings and Make Them Energy Efficient
  • Design Assistance and Building Applications for Energy Efficiency
  • Electricity Restructure
  • Thermally Insulated Car Project