Pre/Post-Test Answer Key Grades 4-6

Asthma affects the airways in the lungs which are part of the respiratory system.

Four things that can make asthma worse are exercise, pollen, animals, and colds, and cold air.

When a person is having an asthma episode, I might see signs and symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

If I think I might have asthma, I can get help from people like parent, school nurse and doctor (other trusted adult, teacher).

I can help my friend deal with his/her asthma by not teasing or including him in activities (reminding him to take medicine, helping him stay away from things that make his asthma worse).

True or False
True Children with asthma can run and play like their friends who do not have asthma.
False I can catch asthma from a friend, just like a cold or flu.
False Furry pets are one of the things which make Kim's asthma worse, but it is OK if she plays with a cat for just a little while.
False My friend with asthma probably doesn't mind if I tease him about using his medicine.
False Children with asthma have to miss a lot of school.

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