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Pinnipeds – Blood / Serum / Heart / Hematology

Andrews, G.A., P.S. Chavey, L.M. Mazzaro, J.L. Dunn, and D.J. St. Aubin (2004). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to quantitate serum ferritin in the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus). Zoo Biology 23(1): 79-84. ISSN: 0733-3188.
NAL Call Number: QL77.5.Z6
Descriptors: immune system, chemical coordination and homeostasis, metabolism, methods and techniques, hemochromatosis, genetic disease, metabolic disease, ELISA, immunologic techniques, laboratory techniques.

Anonymous (1998). Composition and properties of blood serum proteins of the greenland seal Pagophilus groenlandica in the period of adaptation to captivity. Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii 34(6): 654-660. ISSN: 0044-4529.
Descriptors: veterinary medicine, medical sciences, blood and lymphatics, transport and circulation, disc electrophoresis, analytical method, biochemical adaptation, captivity, pathology, physiological state, temperature.

Bishop, D.H. and J.F. Morado (1995). Results on blood cell morphology and differential blood cell counts from seventeen Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus pups. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 23(1): 1-6. ISSN: 0177-5103.
Descriptors: blood, circulation, Steller sea lions, pups, blood cell morphology, blood cell counts, endangered species, Gulf of Alaska, monocyte, neutrophil, poikilocyte, southeast Alaska, white blood cell.

Boutilier, R.G., M. Nikinmaa, and B.L. Tufts (1993). Relationship between blood buffering properties, erythrocyte pH and water content, in gray seals (Halichoerus grypus). Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 147(2): 241-7. ISSN: 0001-6772.
NAL Call Number: QP1.A2
Abstract: The separated plasma of gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) has an unusually high non-bicarbonate buffering capacity (beta NB = d[HCO3-]/dpH = -21 Slykes; Slyke = mmol l-1 pH unit-1). To examine whether this represents a trait of mammalian carnivora, or is related instead to deep diving, we examined blood from dog and killer whale, respectively. The beta NB of separated plasma of dog was typically low (-4 to -8 Slykes), as in other mammals, whereas that of the whale (-13.5 Slykes), while significantly higher than dog, was not nearly as high as in seal. As one would theoretically predict of a blood system with exceptionally high extracellular buffering and functional anion exchange across the erythrocyte membrane, there was little difference in the buffer slope between true plasma and whole blood of seal. This appears to be a novel pattern of CO2 carriage in mammals. Erythrocyte ion concentrations were similar to other mammalian carnivora, with intracellular sodium concentration being high and potassium low. The red cell water content was unaffected by changes in oxygen saturation and tended to decrease when extracellular pH decreased below 7.4. Apart from the comparatively elevated Bohr factor, -0.518 as a function of extracellular pH and -0.550 as a function of red blood cell pH, the blood oxygen binding properties were similar to terrestrial mammals of similar size.
Descriptors: erythrocytes physiology, seals, earless physiology, water electrolyte balance physiology, buffers, carbon dioxide analysis, dogs, erythrocyte membrane physiology, erythrocytes chemistry, hydrogen ion concentration, oxygen analysis, potassium analysis, sodium analysis, whales.

Cabanac, A., L.P. Folkow, and A.S. Blix (1997). Volume capacity and contraction control of the seal spleen. Journal of Applied Physiology 82(6): 1989-1994. ISSN: 8750-7587.
NAL Call Number: 447.8 J825
Descriptors: blood, circulation, nervous system, acetylcholine, hooded seals, harp seals, body mass, diving, epinephrine, hematocrit, volume capacity, contraction, immune system, isoprenaline, norepinephrine, phentolamine, spleen.

Cabanac, A.J., E.B. Messelt, L.P. Folkow, and A.S. Blix (1999). The structure and blood-storing function of the spleen of the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata). Journal of Zoology (London) 248(1): 75-81. ISSN: 0952-8369.
Descriptors: blood, circulation, immune system, blood storing, spleen, hooded seal, beta adrenergic nervous stimulation, blood supply, diving, microcirculation, submersion.

Clark, P., W.S. Boardman, and P.J. Duignan (2002). Cytology of haematological cells of otariid seals indigenous to Australasian waters. Australian Veterinary Journal 80(3): 161-164. ISSN: 0005-0423.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Au72
Descriptors: Otariidae, blood cells, cytological characterization, Australasia, blood cell cytological characterization, interspecific comparisons, seals, hematological cells.

Colares, E.P., I.G. Colares, A. Bianchini, and E.A. Santos (2000). Seasonal variations in blood parameters of the Amazonian manatee, Trichechus inunguis. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 43(2): 165-171.
NAL Call Number: QH301.A73
Descriptors: biochemistry and molecular biophysics, nutrition, blood and lymphatics, transport and circulation, body weight, food consumption, seasonal variation, manatee, blood parameters.

Dobson, G.P. and J.P. Headrick (1995). Bioenergetic scaling: metabolic design and body-size constraints in mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92(16): 7317-21. ISSN: 0027-8424.
NAL Call Number: 500 N21P
Abstract: The cytosolic phosphorylation ratio ([ATP]/[ADP][P(i)]) in the mammalian heart was found to be inversely related to body mass with an exponent of -0.30 (r = 0.999). This exponent is similar to -0.25 calculated for the mass-specific O2 consumption. The inverse of cytosolic free [ADP], the Gibbs energy of ATP hydrolysis (delta G'ATP), and the efficiency of ATP production (energy captured in forming 3 mol of ATP per cycle along the mitochondrial respiratory chain from NADH to 1/2 O2) were all found to scale with body mass with a negative exponent. On the basis of scaling of the phosphorylation ratio and free cytosolic [ADP], we propose that the myocardium and other tissues of small mammals represent a metabolic system with a higher driving potential (a higher delta G'ATP from the higher [ATP]/[ADP][P(i)]) and a higher kinetic gain [(delta V/Vmax)/delta [ADP]] where small changes in free [ADP] produce large changes in steady-state rates of O2 consumption. From the inverse relationship between mitochondrial efficiency and body size we calculate that tissues of small mammals are more efficient than those of large mammals in converting energy from the oxidation of foodstuffs to the bond energy of ATP. A higher efficiency also indicates that mitochondrial electron transport is not the major site for higher heat production in small mammals. We further propose that the lower limit of about 2 g for adult endotherm body size (bumblebee-bat, Estrucan shrew, and hummingbird) may be set by the thermodynamics of the electron transport chain. The upper limit for body size (100,000-kg adult blue whale) may relate to a minimum delta G'ATP of approximately 55 kJ/mol for a cytoplasmic phosphorylation ratio of 12,000 M-1.
Descriptors: body constitution, energy metabolism, myocardium metabolism, adenosine diphosphate metabolism, adenosine triphosphate metabolism, body temperature regulation, cytosol metabolism, dogs, electron transport, evolution, kinetics, oxygen consumption, phosphates metabolism, phosphorylation, rabbits, rats, wistar rats, thermodynamics.

Elsner, R. and I.S. De La Lande (1998). Heterogeneous cholinergic reactions of ringed seal coronary arteries. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Physiology 119(4): 1019-1025. ISSN: 0300-9629.
NAL Call Number: QP1.C6
Descriptors: cardiovascular system, asphyxia, autonomic vasomotor reactivity, coronary artery, heterogenous cholinergic reactions, diving, ringed seals.

Engelhard, G.H., A.J. Hall, S.M.J.M. Brasseur, and P.J.H. Reijnders (2002). Blood chemistry in southern elephant seal mothers and pups during lactation reveals no effect of handling. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Molecular and Integrative Physiology 133A(2): 367-378. ISSN: 1095-6433.
NAL Call Number: QP1.C6
Descriptors: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, blood, lymphatics, transport, circulation, nutrition, elephant seal, blood chemistry, pups, mothers, chemical immobilization, chronic stress, effects, clinical chemistry, handling, effect, health status, human disturbance, lactation, nursing, physical restraint, suckling.

Fayolle, C., C. Leray, P. Ohlmann, G. Gutbier, J.P. Cazenave, C. Gachet, and R. Groscolas (2000). Lipid composition of blood platelets and erythrocytes of southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) and Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. B, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 126B(1): 39-47. ISSN: 1096-4959.
NAL Call Number: QP501.C6
Descriptors: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, blood, lymphatics, transport, circulation, elephant seal, fur seal, blood platelets, erythrocytes, lipid composition.

Field, C. and F. Tablin (2000). Cholesterol modulates membrane phase transitions and raft formation in northern elephant seal platelets. Molecular Biology of the Cell 11, Suppl.: 317a. ISSN: 1059-1524.
NAL Call Number: QH604.C452
Descriptors: blood, lymphatics, transport, circulation, cell biology, elephant seal, platelets, analytical method, thin layer chromatography, temperature, meeting abstract, cholesterol, membrane, phase transitions.
Notes: Meeting Information: 40th American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 9-13, 2000.

Field, C.L., N.J. Walker, and F. Tablin (2001). Northern elephant seal platelets: analysis of shape change and response to platelet agonists. Thrombosis Research 101(4): 267-277. ISSN: 0049-3848.
Descriptors: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, blood, lymphatics, transport, circulation, elephant seal, platelets, cardiovascular system, aggregometry, agonists, ultrastructure analysis, shape, change, analytical method, extreme environment, pressure changes, temperature.

Greaves, D.K., R.L. Hughson, Z. Topor, J.E. Schreer, J.M. Burns, and M.O. Hammill (2004). Changes in heart rate variability during diving in young harbor seals, Phoca vitulina. Marine Mammal Science 20(4): 861-871. ISSN: 0824-0469.
NAL Call Number: QL713.2.M372
Descriptors: harbour seals, heart beat, heart rate, variability, diving skills, development, changes, aquatic diving, north Atlantic, Canada, Quebec, Saint Lawrence River estuary, heart rate variability, diving skill development, pups, patterns, changes.

Hall, A.J. (1998). Blood chemistry and hematology of gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) pups from birth to postweaning. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 29(4): 401-407. ISSN: 1042-7260.
NAL Call Number: SF601.J6
Descriptors: blood, development, enzymology, age specific changes, blood chemistry, diagnostic use, breeding season, growth phase, lactation, grey seal, pups, birth, postweaning fast, hematology, rectal temperature, weaning.

Henden, T., E. Aasum, L. Folkow, O.D. Mjos, D.A. Lathrop, and T.S. Larsen (2004). Endogenous glycogen prevents Ca2+ overload and hypercontracture in harp seal myocardial cells during simulated ischemia. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 37(1): 43-50. ISSN: 0022-2828.
Descriptors: cardiovascular system, transport, circulation, ischemia, glycogen, Ca2, myocardial cells, overload, vascular disease, hypercontracture, harp seal, rat, cardiomyocetes.

Hurford, W.E., P.W. Hochachka, R.C. Schneider, G.P. Guyton, K. Stanek, D.G. Zapol, G.C. Liggins, and W.M. Zapol (1995). Splenic contraction, catecholamine release and blood volume redistribution during voluntary diving of the Weddell seal. FASEB Journal 9(3): A353. ISSN: 0892-6638.
NAL Call Number: QH301.F3
Descriptors: blood, circulation, cardiovascular system, nervous system, physiology, epinephrine, erythrocyte, hematocrit, hemoglobin, spleen, diving, Weddell seal, blood volume, redistribution, meeting abstract.
Notes: Meeting Information: Experimental Biology 95, Part I, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 9-13, 1995.

Kiehl, A.R. and C.A. Schiller (1994). A study of manatee leukocytes using peroxidase stain. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 23(2): 50-53. ISSN: 0275-6382.
NAL Call Number: SF601.A54
Descriptors: manatees, leukocytes, species differences, staining, blood picture, erythrocytes, normal values, secretory granules, granulocytes, peroxidases, enzyme activity, eosinophils, myeloperoxidase.

Lander, M.E., J.T. Harvey, and F.M.D. Gulland (2003). Hematology and serum chemistry comparisons between free-ranging and rehabilitated harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) pups. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39(3): 600-609. ISSN: 0090-3558.
NAL Call Number: 41.9 W64B
Descriptors: blood and lymphatics, transport, circulation, metabolism, veterinary medicine, harbour seal, pups, hematocrit, free ranging, rehabilitation, the Marine Mammal Center, hematology, marine mammal stranding.

Matishov, G.G., V.M. Muraveiko, A.S. Gladkikh, and A.V. Muraveiko (2004). Stress and magnetic field impact of the heart activity of the Greenland and seal Pagophilus groenlandicus. Doklady Akademii Nauk 397(4): 558-562. ISSN: 0869-5652.
Descriptors: cardiovascular system, transport, circulation, cardiac activity, magnetic fields, stress, Greenland seal, heart activity, impact.

Matishov, G.G., V.M. Muraveiko, A.S. Gladkikh, and A.V. Muraveiko (2004). Stress and magnetic field impact of the heart activity of the Greenland seal Pagophilus groenlandicus. Doklady Akademii Nauk 397(4): 558-562. ISSN: 0869-5652.
Descriptors: Greenland seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus, physiological condition, stress, heart beat, reaction to stress and magnetic field, magnetism, magnetic field, impact, heart activity.

Mau, T.L. and M.A. Castellini (2000). The effects of prey switching on erythrocyte fatty acids in the harbor seal Phoca vitulina. FASEB Journal 14(4): A47. ISSN: 0892-6638.
NAL Call Number: QH301.F3
Descriptors: biochemistry, molecular biophysics, nutrition, blood, lymphatics, harbour seal, prey switching, erythrocyte, fatty acids, effects, meeting abstract.
Notes: Meeting Information: Annual Meeting of Professional Research Scientists: Experimental Biology 2000, San Diego, California, USA, April 15-18, 2000.

Pillet, S., M. Fournier, J.M. Bouquegneau, and D. Cyr (2000). Modulation by zinc and estradiol of metallothionein levels in grey seal peripheral blood leukocytes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Molecular and Integrative Physiology 126A, Suppl. 1: S120. ISSN: 1095-6433.
NAL Call Number: QP1.C6
Descriptors: immune system, blood, lymphatics, flow cytometry, grey seal, blood leukocytes, zinc, estradiol, metallothionein levels, analytical method, meeting abstract.
Notes: Meeting Information: 21st Congress of the European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Liege, Belgium, July 24-28, 2000.

Rea, L., R. Groscolas, E. Mioskowski, and M. Castellini (1997). Changes in plasma fatty acids indicate change in nutritional status in developing Weddell seal pups. Polar Biology 18(5): 351-357. ISSN: 0722-4060.
NAL Call Number: QH301.P64
Descriptors: development, nutrition, cholesteryl esters, Weddell seal, pups, foraging, phospholipids, plasma fatty acid, post weaning fast, suckling, triacylglycerols, foraging.

Reif, J.S., A. Bachand, A.A. Aguirre, D.L. Borjesson, L. Kashinsky, R. Braun, and G. Antonelis (2004). Morphometry, hematology, and serum chemistry in the Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi). Marine Mammal Science 20(4): 851-860. ISSN: 0824-0469.
NAL Call Number: QL713.2.M372
Descriptors: blood and lymphatics, chemistry, immune system, monk seal, morphology, eosinopenia, hematology, serum chemistry, lymphopenia, blood and lymphatic disease.

Richmond, J.P., J.M. Burns, and L.D. Rea (2002). Investigation in blood and muscle development in the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus): implications for diving and foraging ability. Arctic Science Conference Abstracts 53: 191.
Descriptors: behavior, development, physiology, hematocrit measurement, hemoglobin measurement, Steller sea lion, blood, muscle, red blood cell count, Alaska, aerobic metabolism, behavioral patterns, breathhold ability, diving ability, foraging ability, physiological limitations.
Notes: Meeting Information: 53rd Arctic Science Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, September 18-21, 2002.

Richmond, J.P., J.M. Burns, and L.D. Real (2004). Examination of blood and muscle development in the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus): implications for diving and foraging ability. Arctic Science Conference Abstracts 55
Descriptors: blood, lymphatics, circulation, development, metabolism, Steller sea lion, muscular system, movement, support, hematocrit, diving ability, foraging ability, tissue hypoxia.
Notes: Meeting Information: 55th Arctic Science Conference, Anchorage, AK, USA, September 29-October 1, 2004.

Sanvito, S., F. Galimberti, K.M. Delahunty, and D.W. McKay (2004). Blood spots in Pinnipedia hormone studies: Measure of cortisol levels in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina). Aquatic Mammals 30(2): 251-256. ISSN: 0167-5427.
Descriptors: southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, hematological techniques, blood spot collection, hormone studies, cortisol levels, blood, hormones, cortisol, Falkland Islands, blood spot collection, evaluation for cortisol analysis.

Schwartz, J., B. Aldridge, M. Blanchard, F.C. Mohr, and J. Stott (2005). The development of methods for immunophenotypic and lymphocyte function analyzes for assessment of southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) health. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 104(1-2): 1-14. ISSN: 0165-2427.
NAL Call Number: SF757.2.V38
Descriptors: immune system, lymphocyte function, sea otter, immunophenotypic, assessment, methods, techniques, mononuclear cells, blood cell counts, normal range, health.

Skinner, L.A. and W.K. Milsom (2004). Respiratory chemosensitivity during wake and sleep in harbour seal pups (Phoca vitulina richardsii). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77(5): 847-863. ISSN: 1522-2152.
NAL Call Number: QL1.P52
Abstract: The cardiorespiratory patterns of harbour seal pups under normoxic/normocarbic, hypoxic/ normocarbic and normoxic/ hypercarbic conditions were examined while awake and sleeping on land. During rapid eye movement sleep breathing was seldom seen. Tachypnea was present at all levels of increased respiratory drive. Hypoxia induced a dramatic bradycardia regardless of the arousal state, and hypercarbia produced a tachycardia in SWS only. The hypoxic and hypercarbic chemosensitivities of harbour seal pups were similar to those of terrestrial mammals. The sensitivity of harbour seal pups to hypoxia and hypercarbia remained unchanged during the decrease in arousal state from WAKE to SWS, unlike terrestrial mammals, where hypoxic and hypercarbic sensitivities are often reduced during SWS,
Descriptors: cardiovascular system, respiratory system, respiration, electrocardiogram, harbour seal, pups, wake, sleep, electroencephalography, arousal state, cardiorespiratory pattern, chemosensitivity, hypercarbia, hypoxia.

Trumble, S.J. and M.A. Castellini (1999). A comparison of blood chemistry and hematology values for harbor seal pups on Tugidak Island and within Prince William Sound Alaska. FASEB Journal 13(4, Pt. 1): A382. ISSN: 0892-6638.
NAL Call Number: QH301.F3
Descriptors: blood, circulation, blood chemistry, hematology values, harbour seal pups, Alaska, comparison, meeting abstract.
Notes: Meeting Information: Annual Meeting of the Professional Research Scientists for Experimental Biology 99, Washington, D.C., USA, April 17-21, 1999.

Trumble, S.J. and M.A. Castellini. (1997). Plasma chemistry and hematology values for harbor seal pups from alaskan waters. In: Arctic Science and Resource Management: Exploring the Issues, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks: Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, p. 71.
NAL Call Number: Q180.U6A73 1997
Descriptors: blood, marine ecology, blood chemistry, health status, hematology, plama chemistry, nutritional status, harbour seal pups, Alaska, meeting abstract.
Notes: Meeting Information: 48th American Association for the Advancement of Science: Arctic Division Science Conference, Valdez, Alaska, USA, September 24-27, 1997.

Trumble, S.J. and M.A. Castellini (2002). Blood chemistry, hematology, and morphology of wild harbor seal pups in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 66(4): 1197-1207. ISSN: 0022-541X.
NAL Call Number: 410 J827
Descriptors: blood, circulation, harbour seal, pups, Alaska, health index biomarkers, hematology, morphology, population differences, year to year variability, blood chemistry.

Yerokhina, I.A. (2003). Harp seal pups blood serum minerals in the period of adaptation to the captivity. Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 75(6): 95-98. ISSN: 0201-8470.
NAL Call Number: 385 UK72
Descriptors: animal care, harp seal, adaptation period, captivity, oceanarium, stress alteration, blood, serum, minerals.

Yerokhina, I.A. (1999). Modified albumin in the harp seal blood serum. Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal 71(2): 75-78. ISSN: 0201-8470.
NAL Call Number: 385 UK72
Descriptors: modified albumin, harp seal, blood serum, content, paper electrophoresis, health state, seal captivity.

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