Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

How to Request a Waiver for Tuition Assistance

Withdraw Waivers

Students that must withdraw from a course after the Institution has received monies for the course, may request waiver of TA indebtedness by submitting a Tuition Assistance Waiver ( CG Form 4147-1). Examples of reasons for a waiver request are: hospitalization, permanent change of station (PCS) orders, temporary duty (TAD) orders, documented emergency leave, or change in military duties. An amplifying endorsement from their Commanding Officer/OIC or delegated authority MUST be included. The waiver form should be submitted electronically to the CG Institute via TACCTS.

Late Submission of TA Application Waivers

The member must apply for a waiver, if he/she was unable to meet the requirement of submitting their TA application at least 14 days prior to the course start date.

The member shall submit to CG Institute a Tuition Assistance Waiver ( CG Form 4147-1). A command amplifying endorsement from their Commanding Officer must be included. The waiver form must be submitted electronically to the unit Command, the ESO and finally the CG Institute.

The only situation in which a waiver will be approved is when it is clearly documented that the member's command or unit was involved in an operational mission that precluded a normal submission.

In accordance with ALCOAST 367/07, effective immediately, waiver request for TA for classes in a past fiscal year will only be considered if within 90 days past the end of each fiscal year.

Last Modified 9/8/2008