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Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do I contact Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton?

A: Congresswoman Norton has three offices in which you may call, write, or fax your issues or concerns.  Normal business hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M.  The Congressional Office (legislative office) is located at 2136 Rayburn House Office Building.  The contact number is (202)225-8050 and the two Congressional District Offices (primarily responsible for constituent services) are located at the National Press Building, 529 14th St. N.W. Washington D.C. 20045 and 2041 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., S.E. Suite 238 Washington, D.C. 20020.  The N.W. Congressional District office contact number is 202-783-5065 and the S.E. Congressional District Office contact number is (202) 678-8900.  Please take note that mail sent to the Congressional Office located at 2136 Rayburn House Office Building is eradiated and it will take roughly six to eight weeks for the office to get mail.  Congresswoman Norton highly encourages that you fax legislative correspondence to (202)225-3002 or constituent services letters to (202)783-5211 and (202)678-8844 for a prompt response.  You may also email Congresswoman Norton.


Q: How Can Congresswoman Norton assist me?

A: One of the most important functions of the Congressional District Office is for Congresswoman Norton to assist her constituents with problems that they may be having with various federal agencies within the federal government.  While Norton is happy to make inquiries on behalf of her constituents, she cannot order agencies to take action and force them to resolve matters in a constituent's favor.  However, she can insist that a federal entity explain its actions and that a constituent's claim get a full explanation or hearing.  Over the years, her trained caseworkers have developed a reputation for compassion, high energy, great courtesy, invariable follow-through and real results.


Her caseworkers are available to assist with problems within federal agencies such as: the Social Security Administration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Veterans Affairs, Small Business Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other federal entities such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Peace Corps, Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Armed Forces.



Click here for privacy release forms requesting general assistance and immigration and passport assistance  so that the Congresswoman can begin the process of making a congressional inquiry on your behalf.  You may also contact Congresswoman Norton's two District Offices at (202)783-5065 or (202)678-8900.  Walk-in hours also take place at Norton's two Congressional District Offices during normal business hours or you may call to schedule an appointment.  Please note that normal response time is approximately four to eight weeks after an initial inquiry has been sent to a federal agency from Congresswoman Norton on your behalf.


Q: Why can't the Congresswoman assist me and what is outside of her federal jurisdiction?

A: Congresswoman Norton's jurisdiction does not comprise of the local District government and its agencies or the courts of law. Problems with police, fire, zoning and other municipal services are local matters outside of her federal jurisdiction. She can however, forward your information or refer you to the D.C. official who has authority in those regards.  See Local D.C. Government.


Congressional Ethics regulations also prevent the Congresswoman from giving anyone legal advice.  However she can provide her constituents with a legal resource list that they may use.  Please note that many of these organizations provide services without charge.  Click here for a list of legal services. 


The long standing tradition of congressional courtesy requires a Member of Congress to be given the opportunity to assist the constituents that she or he was elected to represent.  If you are not a D.C. resident, then the Congresswoman can only refer you to your Member of Congress.  If you would like to write your Representative or if you have no knowledge of who your Representative is please click here.


Q: What is my Congressional District?

A:  Congresswoman Norton's Congressional District is DC00.  If you do not know what congressional district you live in, just click here and at the top left hand corner of the page, you can type in your zip-code and find your representative.


Q: How Does Congress Work?

A: Learn how laws are made and how laws are enacted.



Q: How does Congresswoman Norton vote on legislation?

A: Congresswoman Norton does not vote on final passage of legislation but can vote on amendments in the Committee of the Whole.  Some of her "yea" votes were: to prohibit workplace discrimination against gay, lesbian, and bisexual workers, support for hydropower energy, more funding for victims of crimes, more funding to create 100,000 new housing vouchers, increase funding to combat domestic violence, require all light bulbs purchased by the federal government to be "energy star compliant.

Some of her "nea" votes were: against eliminated summer work programs for teenagers, an amendment that would have undermined green building standards, retaining the ban on D.C. funding for needle exchange after she got appropriators to remove the rider, reducing student financial aid, imposing a seven year-limit on Section 8 housing, cutting federal funding for Amtrak, eliminating funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and eliminating AmeriCorp public service program.


Q: What legislation did Congresswoman Norton sponsor and cosponsor and what Committees does she serve on?

A: Norton is the chair of the House Subcommittee on Economic Development, Emergency Management, and Public Buildings. She is also a member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.  Click Here for a list of bills in which Congresswoman Norton is the chief sponsor of legislation and for bills that she has cosponsored.


Q: How can I request for a U.S. Flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol?

A: If you are a resident of the District of Columbia, please contact Ms. Tai Brown of Congresswoman Norton's Congressional Office at (202) 225-8050 regarding arranging for a U.S. flag to be flown over the U.S. Capitol. Click here to print a copy of the form.


Q: How Can I request a Tour of the White House and the Capitol?

A: You may contact the Congressional Office and request to speak with Ms. Tai Brown or you may email your request to tai.brown@mail.house.gov several weeks in advance to request White House and Capitol Tours. Please read important guidelines below for Capitol Tours.  Fill out the Capitol Tour Request Form, and send to Ms. Tai Brown via e-mail or facsimile.


Q: How can I request a meeting with Congresswoman Norton?

A: For speaking engagements (special events and or meetings), initially submit your request via facsimile to (202)225-3002.  Once this step is completed, you may contact the scheduler at (202)225-8050 for follow-up.


Q: How do I seek a nomination from Congresswoman Norton to attend one of the military academies? 

A: As a Member of Congress, Congresswoman Norton is privileged to nominate young women from her Congressional District to the United States Service Academies: The U.S. Air Force Academy, The U.S. Naval Academy, The U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.  The Academies select their appointees from among her nominees.  The deadline date for submission of your application for a 2009 nomination is November 3, 2008.  Click here to learn more and to obtain an application. You may also contact the N.W. Congressional District Office at (202)783-5065 for further information.


Q: Does Congresswoman Norton participate in the Congressional Arts Competition?

A: Yes, Congresswoman Norton works with teachers and students of the District of Columbia Public School System for their participation in her annual Congressional Arts Competition.  Artwork created by the District's first place winner is displayed for one year inside the U.S. Capitol along with other first place national winners. All public and private D.C. students, grades 8 to 12, are eligible to participate.  Competition categories include painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, photography, and computer-generated art.  Artwork is judged by a panel of distinguished artists and curators. For further information, please contact the N.W. Congressional District Office at (202)783-5065.


Q: How Can I find out about Congresswoman Norton's annual events

A: Click Here for a list of Congresswoman Norton's annual events.


Q: When is Congresswoman Norton going to be in my neighborhood?

A: Congresswoman Norton brings Constituent Services to your neighborhood! Come out and chat with the Congresswoman and her staff on Thursdays from 5pm-7pm at these locations.  Learn More Here.  


Q: How can I get a letter of greetings from Congresswoman Norton? 

A: The Congresswoman provides letters of greetings for constituents and organizations/businesses within her Congressional District.  You may request a letter of greeting for a church anniversary, class reunion, conference, graduation, retirement, wedding anniversary and many more.  First you must submit your request in writing and fax or mail to the N.W. Congressional District, National Press Building, 529 14th Street N.W. Washington D.C. 20045 or via facsmilie at (202)783-5211.  In your request, provide the Congresswoman with a deadline date to ensure that the letter is ready at the date that you request it.  Greeting Letters can be picked up at the N.W. Congressional District Office. For more information, please contact the office at (202)783-5065. 

Also please note that Congressional franking rules only permit the Congresswoman to provide letters of recommendations/support for individuals and/or organizations that she knows personally or with whom she has worked with directly.


Q: How can I get a statement submitted into the Congressional Record from Congresswoman Norton?

A: You must submit this request in writing and fax it to the Congressional Office at (202)225-3002.  Please provide the Congresswoman with a deadline date for submission of a statement into the Congressional Record. You may contact the Congressional Office at (202)225-8050 for more information.


Q: Can Congresswoman Norton sponsor a room for me on Capitol Hill?

A:  D.C. residents or organizations/businesses within Congresswoman Norton's District Office can submit a request for Congresswoman Norton to reserve a room on Capitol Hill for a special event.  The first step is to submit your request in writing to the N.W. Congressional District Office by mail to the National Press Building, 529 14th Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20045 or via facsimile to (202)783-5211.  Your request should include the the date in which you would like to hold your event, any alternate dates in the event that the space is not available on the date of your first choice, the purpose of your event, indicate whether catering is involved, the number of people, and whether or not you will need audio-visual equipment for your event.


Please note that rooms shall not be used for: profit-making, commercial-use, fundraising, political or lobbying purposes, nor for entertaining tour groups.  Groups planning to charge admission fees, have a cash bar, make collections, seek contributions, give door prizes, hold auctions or raffles, or otherwise exchange money while using the rooms are also prohibited. For more information, please contact the N.W. Congressional District Office at (202) 783-5065.


Q: How do I learn of any grant opportunities?

A: Please contact my Congressional District Office at (202)783-5065 to learn of any grant opportunities.  Also click here for more information.


Q: Are there any internship opportunities within Congresswoman Norton's office?

A: Every year Congresswoman Norton offers internships in all of her offices that consist of high school students, undergraduate, recently graduated and graduate students, CBC interns and Barbara Jordan Health Fellows. For further information, please contact Ms. Tai Brown, internship coordinator at (202)225-8050.