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Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Who is Community Shares?

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Community Shares was formed in 1985 to give employees a choice in how they spend their charitable dollars in workplace giving campaigns.

Community Shares funds 50 nonprofit, grassroots organizations, all of which work to address the root causes of problems that we as individuals and communities face. Community Shares groups work on issues such as hunger, health care, domestic violence, education and environmental issues.

Community Shares supports groups at the local, regional, and state level. This provides givers with the option of keeping their money in their own communities or using it to support change on a broader scale.

Community Shares puts your money where you want it to go. Undesignated contributions to Community Shares are divided equally among all full member agencies while designated gifts go directly to the specified group. Associate member groups receive only donor designated contributions.

CS Groups at 2004 ORNL Volunteer Fair

CS, TCWP, Bridge,TFT Displays at ORNL 2006

A Fact Sheet gives you even more details about Community Shares, its mission and the organizations it funds.

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