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Click Here to Play Video.  This video can only be viewed by NIH personnel.National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Diseases Council - May 2008 (NIH Only)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Category: NIH Only
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, NIAID, and Dr. Gary Nabel, Director, Vaccine Research Center, NIAID
Total Running Time: 01:31:47
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Evolution and the Concept of Species
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Category: Evolution and Medicine
Mohamed Noor, Duke University
Total Running Time: 00:47:14
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video can only be viewed by NIH personnel.Recent Advances in Ewing's Sarcoma (NIH-Only)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Category: NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
Lee J. Helman, M.D., Center for Cancer Research, NCI
Total Running Time: 00:55:43
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Dynamics of macromolecular complexes in living cells: Multiplex imaging of signaling activities, genetically encoded protein uncaging, and RapR-FAK
Friday, May 23, 2008
Category: Proteomics
Klaus Hahn, University of North Carolina
Total Running Time: 00:48:05
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.The Fourth Annual Scientific Lecture of the Asian American Heritage Month
Friday, May 23, 2008
Category: Special
Dr. Raynard S.Kington, Principal Deputy Director, NIH
Total Running Time: 01:04:09
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Advances in Pain Research 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Category: Conferences
The NIH Pain Consortium
Total Running Time: 06:14:28
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Regulation of Inflammation by Ubiquitin Modification of Signaling Components
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
Vishva Dixit, Ph.D., Vice President, Early Discovery Research
Total Running Time: 01:08:55
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Grocery Shopping Ideas for Wellness
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Category: Work/Life Center
Christina Giallourakis
Total Running Time: 01:03:25
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Condensed History of DNA Repair with Emphasis on Small Lesion Repair
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Category: DNA Repair
Dr. Sankar Mitra, University of Texas, Galveston
Total Running Time: 01:02:49
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video can only be viewed by HHS personnel.GMAC Seminar - May 2008 (HHS Only)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Category: HHS Only
Total Running Time: 02:25:48
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