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About Questions? on DefenseLINK

Public comments and questions about DoD and its policies are handled by the Directorate for Public Information & Analysis, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.   We wish to be as helpful and responsive as possible in answering questions and heeding comments. However, we are a small office with limited resources. Therefore, we may not be able to respond quickly to your questions, nor will we have an answer to every question.

Some specific details on how to help us serve you better:

  • If you are seeking reports and/or other material, please provide your return postal address. To ensure a timely delivery of your information, please make sure your return postal address is accurate.
  • We will convey your comments about Defense Department policies and practices to senior Defense Officials, but we do not have the staff to respond to all such comments.

Send postal mail to:

1400 Defense Pentagon, Room 3A750
Washington, DC 20301-1400

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; Principal Purpose: To respond to questions or requests for reports or other information; Routine Uses: None; Disclosure: Voluntary. However, if the contact information is not provided, no response can be given.

Updated: 27 May 1998
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