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Congressional Assistance 

  • One of the most important functions of my Congressional District Office is to assist my constituents with problems they may be having with various Federal agencies of the Federal government.  While I am always happy to make inquiries on behalf of my constituents, I cannot demand that problems be resolved in a constituent's favor.  However, I can insist that a Federal entity explain its actions and that a constituent's claim get a full explanation or hearing.  Over the years, my trained caseworkers have developed a reputation for compassion, high energy, great courtesy, invariable follow-through and real results
  • My staff is available to assist with problems with Federal agencies such as: the Social Security Administration, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Small Business Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; other Federal entities such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Peace Corps, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission; and the Armed Forces.

***My jurisdiction does not extend to: the actions of the local District government and its agencies or the courts of law (please see a list of free legal services).  Problems with police, fire, zoning and other municipal services are local matters outside my federal mandate.***


D.C. business services
D.C. government agencies

Free Books to Go

The Library of Congress provides free books to schools, libraries or other nonprofit organizations. To obtain free books for your organization, call 707-9514.



General Assistance Request

Immigration Assistance Request

Passport Request