
Compensation Research and Program Development Group

The Compensation Research and Program Development Group (CRPDG) carries out research that addresses methodological, conceptual, and technical issues of concern to OCWC and other Bureau programs. CRPDG serves OCWC by providing functional expertise in the areas of economic theory and practice, and its mission is to stay abreast of new trends in labor economics and general survey methodology. CRPDG's expertise makes it ideally suited to identifying new products that OCWC might offer and searching out ways that OCWC's existing products can be enhanced. CRPDG also serves as a resource for OCWC by answering internal BLS inquires on estimation and data use.

In addition to their work that is directly related to program development, the members of CRPDG also conduct their own basic economic research and publish the results of this research in peer reviewed professional journals. CRPDG staff are not constrained to use OCWC or BLS data, but they often do, thereby furthering our understanding of these products, identifying possible ways that they can be improved, and promoting their overall use by the public.

CRPDG also serves as a liaison between OCWC and the research community. CRPDG answer questions that outside users have about OCWC data, and CRPDG provides an avenue for receiving valuable feedback on program content and concepts. In addition, CRPDG staff evaluate research proposals for micro-data access by outside users and provide support to outside researchers once they arrive on site.


Last Modified Date: March 23, 2007