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Health Promotion & Disease Prevention – Elevating the Health Status of American Indians and Alaska Natives
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The Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) activities are part of an integrated Behavioral Health Team that works collaboratively to eliminate the diseases of alcoholism and other drug dependencies, as well as the associated pain they bring to individuals of all ages, families, villages, communities, and tribes. The ASAP primary goal is to reduce the prevalence and incidence of alcoholism and other drug dependencies. It provides support and resources for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) communities to achieve excellence in holistic alcohol and other drug dependency treatments, rehabilitation, and prevention services for individuals and their families. In addition to the development of curative, preventative and rehabilitative services, the ASAP activities also include:
  • Development and coordination of an integrated information management system that measures substance abuse and alcohol problems among AI/AN;

  • Programmatic evaluation and research to develop effective prevention and treatment services;

  • National leadership focusing on youth treatment, community education, and prevention services for high-risk youth

  • Services for developmentally disabled (FAS/FAE, other behavioral health related birth defects, or conditions with behavioral components).

The ASAP continues to provide services primarily through contracts with tribal entities/consortia, including tribes that have compacted under Self-Governance, and Indian-managed urban boards of directors since the passage of the Indian health Care Improvement Act, P.L. 94-437. Currently, 97% of the ASAP budget goes directly to contracted or compacted services including approximately 300 AI/AN ASAP's that provide a multitude of treatment and prevention services to rural and urban communities across the country.


This file last modified: Monday August 25, 2008  4:51 PM