Prologue Magazine

Cover of current issuePrologue magazine brings readers stories based on the rich holdings and programs of the National Archives across the nation—from Washington, DC, to the regional archives and the Presidential libraries.

Prologue has been published quarterly by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for 40 years.

Summer 2008 Highlights:

President Lyndon B. Johnson LBJ's Long Shadow
The legacies of the Great Society and the Vietnam War buildup shape history's assessment of the nation's 36th President.
Image from German War Film Battlefilm
Thousands of scenes of World War I action exist today in NARA's trove of images from motion pictures of the Great War.
Capt. Zacharias testifies Sage Prophet or Loose Cannon?
A skilled intelligence officer in World War II foresaw Japan's plans, but annoyed Navy brass as a colorful and controversial figure.

Genealogy Notes

Exodus to Kansas

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An 1880 congressional inquiry investigated the beginnings of the African American migration from the south.

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Prologue in Perspective

Japanese and Chinese immigrants

Finding Out Who You Are: First Stop, National Archives By Allen Weinstein.

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