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1 What are the tax, benefit and earning (COLA) amounts for 2008?
2 When are Social Security benefits paid?
3 How do I notify Social Security that I changed my address?
4 How can I calculate my own retirement benefit estimates?
5 How are my retirement benefits calculated?
6 What is the maximum Social Security retirement benefit?
7 Can I receive my own benefits at age 62, then a full spouse's benefits at full retirement age?
8 How does a divorced spouse qualify for benefits?
9 How do I change my direct deposit?
10 How can I get an estimate of my Social Security benefits?
11 What are the benefit amounts a husband or wife may be entitled to receive?
12 How do I sign up for direct deposit?
13 How much can a divorced spouse receive?
14 What do I do if I did not receive my Social Security check?
15 What is the minimum Social Security amount payable?
16 I receive checks by direct deposit. Must I still notify you that I have moved?
17 I retired early; will this reduce my benefit at age 62?
18 When using direct deposit, when can I expect my benefit to be in my account?
19 Can creditors such as credit card, mortgage or auto loan companies garnish Social Security benefits to pay a debt?
20 How do I know when my money is in my account so I can pay my bills?
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