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Chief Clinical Consultant for

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About Steve Holve, MD FAAP

Dr. Holve has worked for the Indian Health Service in the desert southwest of the Navajo Nation for the past nineteen years. In this time he has seen the major pediatric problems change from infectious diseases and malnutrition to chronic health issues and obesity. During this time he also married the lovely Dr. Diana Hu. She serves as a practicing pediatrician and the Maternal Child Health Coordinator for the Navajo Area Indian Health Service. They have two children who were born and live in Tuba City. Work in the Indian Health Service has provided outstanding medical colleagues coupled with great personal and intellectual satisfaction. And, as his supervisors already suspect, working in the Indian Health Service has provided Dr. Holve with terrific recreational opportunities: hiking, camping, skiing, biking and whitewater rafting - and the time to enjoy them all.

Curriculum Vitae

Capt Stephen A. Holve, M.D.
Medical Category, PHS # 54914
October 2006

Current Position: Chief of Department/Clinical Pediatrician
Billet: 0-6/GS-0602

Tuba City Regional Healthcare Corporation
Tuba City , AZ 86045
Work Telephone: 928-283-2406
Home phone: 928-283-4415
Fax: 928-283-2408

Professional Education

7/82 - 7/85 University of Colorado: Internship and Residency in Pediatrics

9/78 - 6/82 University of California at San Diego: School of Medicine: M.D.

9/73 - 3/78 Stanford University: B.A. Religious Studies


Licensure and Certification

1/88 Diplomat, American Board of Pediatrics

3/86 California medical license; GFE 56401 exp 03/31/07

Professional Memberships

Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics

Member, Section on Community Pediatrics

Member, Indian Health Special Interest Group

Fellow, Arizona Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics


Professional Experience

4/05 – 11/05 Acting Clinical Director for Tuba City Regional Healthcare Corporation during

time of ‘638 transition

11/04 - present Appointed Chair of Indian Health Special Interest Group for the American Academy of Pediatrics

6/04 Indian Health Service Representative to CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices: successful in obtaining “high risk” designation for Native Americans in the Southwest and Alaska for receipt of Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

3/04 – present Began monthly newsletter with review of recent literature pertaining to Native American child health; Indian Health Service Child Health Notes is sent on line and featured in the Indian Health Service Provider magazine which reaches 6,000 subscribers.

1/04 – present Appointed Chief Clinical Consultant in Pediatrics for the Indian Health Service

5/03 Pediatric representative for American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Maternal-Child Health review of Alaska Area IHS

3/03 – present Medical director for new outpatient infusion program at Tuba City Regional Healthcare Corporation

9/02 Developed extended hours for pediatric and family medicine clinics improving patient access

5/01 – Navajo early childhood caries rate is 6 times national average. Developed fluoride varnish program for pediatric well child clinics. Obtained grant to demonstrate fluoride varnish to all Navajo Area Service Units.

1/00 – 2/00 Coordinated and performed 6 weeks of pediatric TDY coverage for understaffed Cheyenne River IHS Service Unit in South Dakota

7/98 Promoted to CAPT USPHS

1/96 – 6/04 Developed Title 38 pay system at Tuba City Indian Medical Center. Resolved pay issues that interfered with recruitment and retention of surgical specialists.

1/95 - 1/00 Chair, Navajo Neuropathy Research Workgroup. Improved understanding of this rare illness that occurs only in the Navajo Nation. Three papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Genomic localization studies ongoing.

6/92 - present Certification as Level II nursery for Tuba City Indian Medical Center. Decreased need for transport of infants to tertiary care setting and increased hospital reimbursement. Only Level II nursery in the IHS in Arizona.

6/91 – present Clinical instructor in pediatrics; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

6/91 – present Developed ambulatory care rotation with pediatric residents from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. 12 residents each year: Many have returned after residency to work full time at IHS sites across the country

6/91 Promoted to CDR in USPHS

9/89 – 11/04 Physician recruiter for Tuba City Indian Medical Center. Developed a successful recruitment program with a vacancy rate of less than 10% over the past 14 years.

1/89 – present Chief, department of Pediatrics at Tuba City Indian Medical Center: Supervise six pediatricians; Responsible for outpatient clinic with 16,000 visits/year; Inpatient Service with 12 pediatric beds and 900 admissions/year.

9/87 – 6/02 Medical Consultant for Kaibeto child protective services. Provide advice for Navajo Nation Social Services and U.S. Attorney’s Office

7/85 - 7/87 Medical consultant for Kayenta Child Protective Services. Provided services for Navajo Nation Social Services and U.S. Attorney’s Office

9/85 - 7/87 Medical Student Preceptor, Kayenta PHS Clinic

6/86 - 7/87 Medical Director for Emergency Room, Kayenta PHS Clinic


Public Health Service Awards

6/04 USPHS Meritorious Service Medal, Tuba City, AZ

6/95 USPHS Commendation Medal, Tuba City, AZ

6/91 USPHS Achievement Award: Tuba City, AZ

2/88 USPHS Isolated Hardship Award; Tuba City, AZ

1/86 USPHS Isolated Hardship Award; Kayenta, AZ

Non PHS Awards

4/03 Guest Speaker at Mead Johnson Clinical Scholars Program

10/00 American Academy of Pediatrics CATCH grant: Fluoride Varnish for well childcare visits

12/95 Featured in article in article in American Health: “What Makes a Doctor Great”

10/95 Advocates in Pediatrics award, Contemporary Pediatrics magazine

10/92 subject of article in series “Advocates in Pediatrics”: “Advocacy Blooms in the Desert” Contemporary Pediatrics Oct 1992

9/81 First Prize Essay: Society for Health and Human Values

6/77 Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University

Special Skills

6/06 Pediatric Advanced Life Support

2/02 Advanced Pediatric Life Support

7/97 Advanced Trauma Life Support

7/91 Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine



Karadimas C, Vu T, Holve S, Chronopoulou P, Tanji K, Bonilla E, De Vivo D, Dimauro, S and Hirano M. Navajo Neurohepathopathy is Caused by a Mutation in the MPV17 Gene. Am J Hum Genet 2006;79:544-48.

Singleton R, Brenneman G and Holve S. “American Indian/Alaskan Native Children, Immunization in Special Clinical Circumstances” in American Academy of Pediatrics Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 2006:87-90.

Holve S. Chapter 708 “Envenomations” in Nelson’s 17 th Textbook of Pediatrics, 2003:2387-2392.

Holve S, Friedman B, Hoyme HE, Tarby TJ, Johnstone SJ, Erickson RP, Clercuzio CL, Cuniff C. Athabascan brainstem dysgenesis syndrome. Am J Med Genet 2003; 120A:169-173.

Holve S. Book review of “The origins of Native Americans: evidence from anthropological genetics” Am J Med Genet 2001;104:347-348.

Vu T, Tanji K, Holve S, Bonilla E, Sokol R, Snyder S, Fiore S, Deutsch G, DiMauro S, and DeVivo D. Navajo Neurohepatopathy: A mitochondrial depletion syndrome? Hepatology 2001;34:116-120.

Holve S, Hu D, McCandless S. Metachromatic leukodystrophy in the Navajo:Fallout of the American-Indian Wars of the nineteenth century. Am J Med Genet 2001;101:203-208.

Lawlor M, Holve S, Stubbs EB. Assessment of Serum Mediated Neurotoxicity in Navajo Neuropathy Electromyogr. Clin Neurophysiol 2000;40:101-104.

Holve, S. Chapter 724 “Envenomations” in Nelson’s 16 th Pediatrics, 1999:2174-78.

Holve S, Hu D, Shub M, Tyson W, Sokol R. Liver Disease in Navajo Neuropathy J Pediatr 1999;135:482-493.

Pohl JF, Shub M, Trevelline E, Ingebo K, Silber G, Rayhorn N, Holve S, Hu D. A Cluster of Microvillious Inclusion Disease in the Navajo J Pediatr 1999;134:103-106.

Friedman BD, Tarby TJ, Holve S, Hu D, Johnstone S, Clercuzio C, Cuniff C, Hoyme HE. Congenital horizontal gaze palsy, deafness, central hypoventilation and developmental impairment: A brainstem syndrome prevalent in the Navajo Population. Am J Hum Genet 1996;59:A 37.

Holve, S Treatment of Snake, Insect, Scorpion and Spider Bites in the Pediatric Emergency Department Cur Opinion in Ped 1996;8:256-60.

Holve S and Tunneson, W Pediatric Puzzler: Once in a blue moon? Contemporary Pediatrics 1994;11:91-95.

Holve S Commentary: The Case for Residency Affiliations.

IHS Provider 1994;19:

Holve S Recruiting Physicians: A Look at Student and Resident Rotations. IHS Provider 1994;19:

Holve S Truth-Telling in Medicine: A Historical Perspective. Society for Health and Human Values Quarterly 1982.



Recht M, Holve S, and Stuart R. Prophylaxis of bleeding using recombinant factor VIIa in an infant with severe, congenital factor VII deficiency. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting; Boston 5/02

Holve S, Stuart R, and Recht M. Prophylaxis of recurrent epistaxis and menorrhagia using recombinant Factor VIIa in severe congenital Factor VII deficiency. Society for Pediatric Research; Baltimore, 5/01.

Esquivel R, Holve S, Landan D Silber G Ramirez F. Seroepidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection in Native Americans. American College of Gastroenterology; New York, 10/00.


Invited Presentations

“Four more cases from the files of Tuba City”

Indian Health Service Primary Care Conference

Albuquerque, NM May 2006

“Four Cases from the Southwest”

Pediatric Rounds

Denver General Hospital, October 2005

"Newborn Emergencies and Jaundice"

Sells Service Unit, AZ September 2005

“Special Consideration of Vaccinations for American Indians and Alaskan Natives”

Obstetrical, Neonatal and Gynecologic Care for IHS

Denver, CO September 2005

“ Newborn Emergencies in the first weeks of Life” and “True Cases from the files of Tuba City”

Indian Health Service Primary Care Conference

Albuquerque, NM May 2005

“Fluoride Varnish Reduces Early Childhood Caries”

1st International Conference on American Indian/Aboriginal Child Health

Seattle, WA May 2005

“Jaundice in Newborns”

Continuing Medical Education

White Earth, MN September 2004

“Newborn Emergencies” and “Neonatal Resuscitation”

Obstetrical, Neonatal and Gynecologic Care for IHS

Denver, CO June 2004

“Four Cases from the Files of the Indian Health Service”

Indian Health Service Primary Care Conference

Albuquerque, NM April 2004

“Puzzling Cases of the Southwest”

UCLA Pediatric Residents Conference

Los Angeles, CA September 2003

“Heritable Illnesses of the Navajo.”

Mead Johnson Clinical Scholars Program,

Santa Fe, New Mexico April 2003.

“You Can Learn a lot by Just Observing”

Pediatric Grand Rounds at University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM March 2002.

“Fluoride Varnish for Prevention of early Childhood Caries.”

Navajo Area Pediatrics

Gallup, NM February 2001.

“Heritable Disease of the Navajo: Fall out from the American Indian Wars of the Nineteenth Century.” Pediatric Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Pediatrics, November 1998.

“Using History, Epidemiology, and Population Genetics to Manage Diseases in a Navajo Population”

Third Mountain West Rural Health Conference,

Cedar City, Utah Sept 1996

“Diseases of the Navajo: History as a cause of illness”

Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of California at Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California August 1995

"Being There: Observations on Diseases of the Navajo"

Pediatric Grand Rounds, Primary Children's Hospital

Salt Lake City, Utah April 1995

"Diseases of the Navajo: History as a Cause of Illness."

Pediatric Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University

Department of Pediatrics, May 1994


PHS Support Activities

Commissioned Officer Association Member and Grand Canyon Chapter member

CCRF Basic Readiness Qualified

CCRF Primary Care Physician qualified

Personal Information

Date of Birth: March 24, 1955

Place of Birth: Santa Monica, CA

Marital Status: Married

Children: Two

Languages: conversational Japanese


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