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Sept. 23, 2008 at 2:00 p.m.
Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management:
FEMA's Response to the 2008 Hurricane Season and the National Housing Strategy

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Press Release

DOT Flouts Congress on Truck Program

Extends US-Mexico pilot on heels of Committee vote

August 4, 2008


By Jim Berard, 202-226-5064, jim.berard@mail.house.gov

WASHINGTON—Rep. James L. Oberstar, Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure released the following statement today on the Department of Transportation’s announcement that it was extending a cross-border truck pilot program with Mexico for another two years.

The Secretary of Transportation continues to flout the will of Congress. Last year, despite strong, bi-partisan Congressional objections, she instituted what was supposed to be a one-year pilot program, allowing a limited number of selected trucking companies from each side of the border greater access to U.S. and Mexican highways. When Congress voted to stop the program, DOT parsed the language of the law in such a way as to allow it to continue.

Now, just days after the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure has approved a bi-partisan bill to hold DOT to its original plan and terminate this pilot program after one year, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announces its intent to extend this program for two more years. It also made the announcement on the first day of the Congressional recess. That is certainly no coincidence.

When Congress reconvenes in September, I intend to move our bill as quickly as possible, and make certain that the voice of Congress is heard loud and clear at the Department of Transportation, and that this program is finally shut down.
