Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

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Guidance for Agency Declassification Plans

Frequently Asked Questions

Please Contact ISOO if you have more questions concerning Agency Declassification Plans.

  1. Does the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) have the authority to ask for agency declassification plans?
  2. What agencies are required to submit an agency declassification plan to ISOO?
  3. How should an agency submit their agency declassification plan to ISOO?
  4. What format should an agency use for its response?
  5. What if my agency needs an extension?
  6. What does ISOO mean by "agency information contained in records created by former Government officials not in the physical control of the agency"?
  7. All agencies with Original Classification Authorities have declassification authorities. Does ISOO want a list of all OCA and those who also have declassification authority?
  8. Does ISOO want an agency's estimates to include incoming referrals and outgoing referrals?
  9. What records are covered in the declassification plan?
  10. What does textual record mean?
  11. What if my agency is having trouble locating our records?

  1. Does the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) have the authority to ask for agency declassification plans?
Yes. Under Executive Order 12958, as amended, the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office has the authority to "conduct on-site reviews of each agency's program established under this order, and to require of each agency those reports, information, and other cooperation that may be necessary to fulfill its responsibilities." E.O. 12958, as amended, Section 5.2 (2) & (4).

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  1. What agencies are required to submit an agency declassification plan to ISOO?
a. Agencies which have permanent records more than 25 years old that contain their own classified information must submit a declassification plan.
b. Agencies which have permanent records more than 25 years old that contain other agencies' classified information must report on how they will notify other agencies of the equities.
c. Agencies which do not have permanent records more than 25 years old that contain classified information must submit a negative response.

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  1. How should an agency submit their agency declassification plan to ISOO?
Agencies can respond by e-mail (, fax (202-219-5385), or mail or hand deliver to ISOO, Room 500, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20408. Telephone responses are not sufficient.
The response must reference the ISOO data call to the agency head of October 16, 2003, and may be submitted by whomever in the agency has the authority to respond for the agency head on this matter, usually the senior agency official designated under the Order.

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  1. What format should an agency use for its response?
There is no standard format. One suggestion is to mirror the structure of ISOO's request for the information, providing responses in the same order. Most of the responses will be narrative.

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  1. What if my agency needs an extension?
If your agency requires an extension, the agency head, or whoever has the authority to request an extension on behalf of the agency head, must submit a request in writing (either e-mail or letter) to the Director. The request must explain the reason for an extension, and a date certain by which the plan will be submitted to ISOO.

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  1. What does ISOO mean by "agency information contained in records created by former Government officials not in the physical control of the agency"?
Many former officials have donated personal papers to non-government agencies, libraries, and universities and these records may need to be reviewed for declassification.

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  1. All agencies with Original Classification Authorities have declassification authorities. Does ISOO want a list of all OCA and those who also have declassification authority?
Yes. All original classification authorities (OCAs) also have declassification authority. Please provide the number of OCAs for your agency plus list by position or title any additional declassification authorities beyond the OCAs, either internal or external to the agency.

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  1. Does ISOO want an agency's estimates to include incoming referrals and outgoing referrals?
Yes. Items 2c and 2h of the Guidance for Agency Declassification Plans asks for that which is expected to be referred to other agencies by your agency; items 2d and 2i ask for that which is expected to be referred to your agency from other agencies.

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  1. What records are covered in the declassification plan?
Only those records that are (1) are more than 25 years old (pre-1982) and (2) have been determined to have permanent historical value under title 44, United States Code.

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  1. What does textual record mean?
Textual record means any written documents, either handwritten or typed, on a paper base.

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  1. What if my agency is having trouble locating our records?
There are two places where you might seek assistance at the National Archives and Records Administration:
  1. Records management information can be found at and
  2. Records storage information may be found at

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