Animation and B-Roll Shot Sheet

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(This video is available in Beta SP and VHS formats from NIST Public and Business Affairs, (301) 975-2762,

Shot Time Code    Scene
1 00:30 Color Bars
2 01:07   Animation of NIST-F1 in operation  (5 takes of 11 sec. each)
3 02:09 Researchers Dawn Meekhof and Steve Jefferts with NIST-F1
4 02:35 Entire NIST-F1 device
5 02:52 Laser bench and mirrors, part of the NIST-F1 setup
6 03:46 Window looking into cooling chamber
7 03:55 Researchers Meekhof and Jefferts look at oscilloscopes for signals
8 04:27 Lasers inside vacuum chamber coalescing cesium atoms into ball
9 04:44   Zooms and pans showing NIST-F1 in lab
10 05:18 Researchers Meekhof and Jefferts taking data readings
11 05:31 Pan upward and zoom out showing NIST-F1 in lab
12 05:48 Time and Frequency Division Chief Don Sullivan spells his name
13 06:04 Sullivan answers five questions about NIST-F1

“How accurate is NIST-F1?”
-           “Is this the most accurate clock in the world?”
-           “Who needs this accuracy?”
-           “How does a cesium fountain clock differ from   previous clocks?”
-           “What’s next?  How do you improve on this accuracy?”