Publications, Manuals, Videos and Other Media

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Any documents listed are available and can be requested by filling out the Publication Order Form or call 800-361-4827. Some of the items have a cost associated with them. Additional forms, permits, and applications are online for cross reference.

General Information

General Permit Information

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General Environmental Quality Information

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Boards and Commissions

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Natural Disaster Assistance for Missouri Citizens

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Air Pollution

Gateway Vehicle Inspection Program

Note   Air Pollution Permit Applications, Forms, Instructions and Information

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Energy and Renewable Energy

Energy Revolving Fund


Energy Statistics, Studies and Utilities

Funding Opportunities

Renewable Energy

Residential Energy Efficiency

Transportation and Fuels


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Environmental Education

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Environmental Services

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Financial Assistance Center


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Hazardous Waste

Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup Program

Dry Cleaners

Electronic Waste

Fluorescent Bulbs

Hazardous Waste Generators

Superfund Registry

Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

Used Oil

Note   Hazardous Waste Permit Applications, Forms, and Instructions

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Historic Preservation

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Human Resources

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Land Reclamation

Note   Land Reclamation Applications, Forms, Instructions and Information

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Pollution Prevention

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Public Drinking Water

Note   Public Drinking Water Applications, Forms, Instructions and Information

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Soil and Water Conservation

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Solid Waste


Note   Solid Waste Applications, Forms, Instructions and Information

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Strategic Plans

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Toxics Release Inventory

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Water Pollution Control

Note   Water Pollution Applications, Forms, Instructions and Information

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Water Resources

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