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The DPA Network Weblog

ONDCP: Know Thyself

Dear Martin Sheen,

The War on Drugs in Cartoon Form


take today's poll

Will Congress lift the ban that keeps states from using federal funds for syringe exchange programs?
Yes, it's easy to see that syringe exchange saves lives without increasing drug use.
No, members of Congress are too afraid they will appear to be condoning drug use.
> See Poll Results
information for media

> Press Room


Latest Press Releases

> Advocates Launch Historic Drive to Register Eligible Alabama Voters, Including Those Convicted of Felony Drug Possession -- 9/15/08

> Art Auction Raises more than $125,000 for the Drug Policy Alliance -- 9/9/08

> Art World and Drug Policy Reform Movement Forge Groundbreaking Partnership at Cheim & Read Gallery -- 8/28/08

> More Press Releases

DPA Network is the nation's leading organization working to end the war on drugs. We envision new drug policies based on science, compassion, health and human rights and a just society in which the fears, prejudices and punitive prohibitions of today are no more. Read more about DPAN.

Today's Highlights
 Marijuana Leaves 60x85
  Fayetteville, AR, to Vote on Marijuana Measure

Voters in Fayetteville, Arkansas, will have the chance to make adult marijuana possession the lowest law enforcement priority at the ballot box in November. This initiative is led by Sensible Fayetteville, a coalition of groups that includes the Alliance for Reform of Drug Policy in Arkansas, Inc.


    More Headlines
> Marijuana, a Growing Battle

Newark Gets $2M to Re-Integrate Ex-Convicts


The Drug War's Latest Tally: 872,721 Pot Arrests, an All-Time High


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Featured Content

Black Lab 60x85Interview With Mayor About Baseless No-Knock Pot Raid

An MP3 from the Cato Institute with Cheye Calvo (Mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland) describing how police conducted a baseless no-knock marijuana raid on his home, killing his two labrador retrievers.


Know Your Rights 60x85Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement

The ACLU's Know Your Rights booklet provides effective and useful guidance in a user-friendly question and answer format. The booklet addresses what rights you have when you are stopped, questioned, arrested, or searched by law enforcement officers. This booklet is for citizens and non-citizens with extra information for non-citizens in a separate section.


More new content
Featured Events
 Bluestockings 60x85
  Presentation: Incarcerated Women: Conditions, Profiteering and Resistance

September 17, 2008. New York, NY

The number of women in prison has tripled within the past 2 decades. Join investigative journalist and author of "Women Behind Bars" Silja Talvi, founding editor of "Prison Legal News" Paul Wright, former drug war prisoner Yraida Guanipa, and Books Through Bars co-founder and author of the forthcoming "Resistance Behind Bars" Vikki Law for an informed discussion about lives of incarcerated women and about resistance on the inside and out.

 Horizons 60x85
  Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics

September 19-21, 2008. New York, NY

Horizons is a forum for learning about psychedelics. It seeks to open a fresh dialogue about psychedelics and challenges society to rethink their role in history, culture, medicine, spirituality and art. After a successful debut in 2007, it is now an annual event. Speakers have been announced and tickets are on sale!

 Ethan Nadelmann 60x85 (Formal)
  Ethan Nadelmann Speaking Engagement: The 8th International Conference on Pain and Chemical Dependency (ICPCD)

October 29 - November 1, 2008. Philadelphia, PA

The 8th International Conference on Pain and Chemical Dependency is a learning experience directed toward anyone in health care whose aim is to help alleviate pain in others.

More events
DPAN in the News

>  Drug War Madness
    Los Angeles Times (CA) [08/11/08]    

>  Mayor's Dogs Gunned Down by Cops in Improper Drug

    Huffington Post (US Web) [08/08/08] 

>  A Kinder, Smarter War on Drugs
    Times, The (Trenton, NJ) [07/28/08]


More news
Featured Publications
Reinventing Justice 29x46 >  Reinventing Justice: The American Drug
    Court Movement

    By James L. Nolan, Jr.
Cop in the Hood 29x46 >  Cop in the Hood
    By Peter Moskos 
Our Daily Meds 29x46  >  Our Daily Meds
    By Melody Petersen
Other Projects

 > Safety First
 > Drug Testing Fails Our Youth
 Real Reform
 > Real Reform
 Prop 36
 > Proposition 36

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 > Help Stop AIDS & Hepatitis C

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Marijuana: The Facts
What's Wrong With the Drug War?
Safety First: Parents, Teens and Drugs
Drug By Drug
State By State
Reducing Harm: Treatment and Beyond
Drugs, Police & the Law
Communities Affected
Drug Policy Around the World
Publications and Library
What People are Talking About

"It seems ridiculous that we force occasional nonviolent sociable people into taxpayer funded treatment - while turning away tormented, violent people desperate for aid in battling a crippling affliction because of lack of funding."


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Alliance Publications

Check out these titles published by DPA:

Diversion Works

> A Four Pillars Approach to Methamphetamine

> Repeating Mistakes of the Past: Another Mycoherbicide Research Bill

Proposition 36: Improving Lives, Delivering Results

Beyond Zero Tolerance

> Safety First: A Reality-Based Approach to Teens and Drugs

> Making Sense of Student Drug Testing

> The Marijuana Conviction

> Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts

> About Methadone and Buprenorphine



Advocacy Grants Program

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