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University of California, Berkeley

Grant Title: Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Health

View University of California, Berkeley Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Sylvia  Guendelman, Ph. D.
5940 Sponsored Projects Office
336 Sproul Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-5940
(510) 642-8119
Email: sylviag@berkeley.edu


The local & state demographic characteristics of California make it an important setting for PH teaching, programs and research. MCH students at UC Berkeley are trained to find solutions to the many health concerns adversely affecting women, children and families in California & across the country.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To promote and protect the health status of families, including women, infants, children, children with special health care needs, adolescents, and fathers. Objective 1: 70% of employed MCH graduates will work in the MCH field in local, State, national and/or international MCH agencies; non-profit, policy & health service delivery organizations, research & academic institutions; or related settings in positions that demonstrate field leadership in MCH Objective 2: Each academic year, 100% of the MCH Core Faculty will conduct research and other scholarly activities designed to promote and protect health, reduce health disparities and/or deliver improved health care opportunities for families, women and children Objective 3: From June 2005 through May 2010, 100% of the MCH Core Faculty and at least 80% of MCH students will participate in advocacy activities at the national, regional and/or local levels on behalf of families, women and children Goal 2: To prepare health professionals to be leaders in the field with a multicultural, multidisciplinary, community oriented, cost-effective vision of maternal, child and adolescent health Objective 1: By May 2010, at least 100 public health professionals will receive advanced education to earn a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Public Health with a Maternal and Child Health focus, and with 90% achieving on time graduation Objective 2: From June 2005 through May 2010, implement a comprehensive, innovative, competency based curriculum that incorporates a family-centered, culturally competent, community oriented, and cost-effective approach to prepare 100% of MCH students as future leaders in the MCH field Objective 3: By May 2010, 75% of employed graduates will be working in MCH settings (state and local health departments, Title V agencies, community-based organizations) in which they are addressing the needs of underserved MCH populations, with special emphasis on children with special health care needs. Goal 3: To work with MCH programs (state, local, & national level) to mobilize large scale, synergistic efforts to reduce & eliminate health disparities & the barriers to health that affect MCH populations Objective 1: During the next 5 years, each MCH Core Faculty member will provide professional consultation and/or technical assistance to at least 20 State, local, and regional MCH programs, Title V agencies, and community-based organizations serving MCH populations Objective 2: MCH Faculty (100%) & students (80%) will participate in specific activities designed to maintain & expand collaborative relationships within the SPH & with State, local & regional MCH programs, Title V agencies, & community partners dedicated to promoting the health of families, women and children Objective 3: By May 2010, enhance the learning opportunities of at least 100 current students, community partners, Title V agencies, MCH program graduates and other interested MCH professionals through an expanded web-based system


- Annually, 20 MPH students will be enrolled in the UCB MCH Program - Annually, 50 non-MCH students (MPH & doctoral) will participate in MCH courses, receive advising &/or mentoring from MCH faculty. - MCH courses will contain content & skill based learning to address 4 of the MCH core competencies - By May 2010, develop a cultural competency curricular plan that involves faculty, students, staff & community partners. - Annually, MCH Program faculty will participate in 3 activities with state & local agencies to assess continuing education needs of MCH leaders, program staff, & community-based professionals - By May 2010, the MCH Advisory Board will meet 3 times - Annually assess MCH Program performance as reflected in Title V Performance Measures - MCH Faculty research will address the needs of underserved MCH populations, reduce health disparities and barriers to health for MCH populations, and/or improve public health systems and MCH infrastructure - By May 2010, 100% of MCH students will be trained in research methods & will be provided with opportunities to apply these skills in conducting research projects - MCH Faculty will advocate for MCH Program issues within the SPH & the University - MCH Faculty will work closely with professional organizations, at the national, regional &/or local levels, to advocate on behalf of families, women & children - By May 2006, develop a web-based information system to enhance communication between & among MCH professionals, students & graduates


The MCH Program Advisory Board is comprised of the following institutions, organizations, & agencies: UCSF (Center on Social Disparities in Health; Institute for Health Policy Studies; Div of Adolescent Medicine; Family Health Outcomes Project) Contra Costa Health Dept, CA Dept of Health Services (Genetic Disease & MCH Branch), Alameda County Health Dept, Kaiser Permanente (Oakland; Hayward), Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, March of Dimes, & Stanford University School of Medicine


Evaluation efforts will focus on the Outcome Objectives. Data sources for assessing success include: Advisory Board Survey & Meeting Minutes, Alumni & Student Listservs, Alumni Survey & Database, Bear Facts System, Continuing Education Survey, Course Syllabi & Evaluations, Faculty Bio-sketches and CV’s, Faculty Retreat/Meeting Minutes, Field Preceptor Survey, MCH Newsletter, Student Files & Exit Survey, Faculty & Staff Data Forms, SPH Students Services Database, UC Berkeley & MCH Websites

Experience to Date:

The UC Berkeley MCH program faculty and students produced a total of 71 peer reviewed articles, book chapters, theses, and other products in the 2005-2006 project period. The publication to faculty ratio is approximately 9:1. MCH students produced ten theses and five community based projects. In addition to the numerous publications and products produced, many of the faculty and students attended professional conferences and presented their research through continuing education activities including, 41 oral presentations, poster sessions, and as invited plenary and keynote speakers, and faculty provided technical assistance to 93 different organizations around the world. We received approval and funding from the UC Berkeley campus administration for a new FTE position in MCH at the Assistant Professor level. We will begin recruitment for this position in fall 2006. In the last year our program met 11 of the 12 objectives (92%). We are on track to meeting all of the outcome objectives by May 31, 2010, the end of the project period.