Council Takes Action in Aftermath of Ike

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  • earthquake
    The Role of Philanthropy in Disasters

    As Texas assesses the damage from Hurricane Ike, the Council and its members are pursuing ways to help our philanthropic colleagues in the affected communities.

    Read more
  • 2009 Conferences
    Start planning for 2009

    Plan now to spend a few days out of the office in 2009 to reenergize, learn new approaches, and challenge your thinking. Bookmark this page and check back often as we work each day to enhance the Family Philanthropy Conference, the Annual Conference, and the Fall Conference for Community Foundations with new speakers, sessions, networking events, exhibitors, and featured programming.

    2009 Events Main
  • Chairs with help wanted sign
    Career Center: Free For Members!
    An Online Resource for Individuals and Organizations

    Search for career opportunities. Advertise employment openings.

    Post your resume and advance your career!

    Free job searching for all.

    Go there
  • file folders
    Directory of Member Organizations available online
    Log in and browse this member benefit

    Contact information for the 2000+ members of the Council on Foundations.  A listing to help member organizations get in touch - and stay in touch - with each other.

    Look for the Member Organizations link under "Members" on the site navigation tab.

    Go to the Directory of Member Organizations
  • red umbrella
    Discount on Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
    The Council on Foundations is pleased to announce a new member benefit.

    D&O insurance provides financial protection for a foundation in the event of a lawsuit. Council members are eligible for a 10 percent discount on D&O insurance through Aon Association Services.

  • 2007 Grantmakers Salary and Benefits Report
    Available in print and CD-ROM


    This annual resource is designed for board members, staff, and others interested in compensation levels and benefits administration. Based on responses from 804 foundations and corporate giving programs reporting salaries for 6,508 full-time employees, this report is the richest source of staff compensation data in the field, representing 51 percent of the salaries of all full-time staff in the foundation universe.

    Order your copy today!
  • U.S. Capital
    2008 Foundations on the Hill—District Days

    Build strong relationships with your legislators and their staff—and help assure a political environment that promotes philanthropy and charitable giving—by taking part in District Days this August. Use this opportunity to meet with your members of Congress when they’re home on recess and educate them about the important role foundations and philanthropy play in serving the public good.

    Additional information on FOTH - District Days
  • Grantmaking Standards & Stewardship Principles
    An Online Library

    Based on the Council's Statement of Ethical Principles, a collaboration of members and Council staff has assembled a comprehensive set of tools and sample documents for grantmakers. Get specific, real-world examples for Community foundations, Corporate Grantmakers and Family Foundations in three separate databases.

    More about stewardship and ethical principles
  • globe
    Principles of Accountability for International Philanthropy

    Intended as a voluntary and aspirational tool specifically for international donors, the Principles were developed by the Joint Working Group of the Council on Foundations and the European Foundation Centre.

    Read more about the Principles
  • take action
    Urge your legislators to co-sponsor the Public Good IRA Rollover Act of 2007
    Use our online Policy Action Center

    The Public Good IRA Rollover Act would allow gifts made to donor-advised funds, supporting organizations, and private foundations to qualify for the IRA charitable rollover. It is critical that we tell members of Congress that we back an IRA charitable rollover that allows distributions to donor-advised funds to qualify for an incentive beyond 2007.

    The Council's new online Policy Action Center makes it easy to communicate with members of Congress.

    Take Action
  • Understanding Philanthropy
    A Collection of Resources

    Understanding philanthropy is no easy feat, but we have gathered some of the most popular resources to best explain philanthropy. Read "Great Grants" to find out how Sesame Street, public libraries and the polio vaccine became a part of our lives through the grantmaking process, or click "More" to learn about the philanthropic tradition in the United States.

  • Building Strong and Ethical Foundations
    Enhancing Stewardship, Effectiveness and Accountability

    The Council's 2005-2009 Strategic Framework calls for increased levels of stewardship, effectiveness and accountability within its membership. "Building Strong and Ethical Foundations" is designed to increase understanding of legal practices and to develop and encourage adherence to high ethical standards in grantmaking.



  Featured publication              

Disaster Grantmaking: A Practical Guide for FoundationsDisaster Grantmaking
Become more effective and strategic in addressing disasters by following eight principles of good disaster management. Revised edition includes updated facts, examples and resource list.
Disaster GrantmakingMore Information About Helping During a Crisis

More featured publications

Our mission is to provide the opportunity, leadership and tools needed by philanthropic organizations to expand, enhance and sustain their ability to advance the common good. Over 2,000 grantmaking foundations and giving programs worldwide are members of the Council on Foundations.

  Professional development    

taking notes in meetingSeptember 11-12, 2008 - Arlington, VA
Meet the experts and learn about the principles and theories in fiduciary essentials and their practical applications. Come away with tools and resources to guide you in your fiduciary role. September 11-12, 2008 - Arlington, VASign up now

Additional professional development offers

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