Table 8.—Sales of Services to Foreign Persons by Nonbank Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies and to U.S. Persons by Nonbank Majority-Owned U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies, by Country, 1989-96

[Millions of dollars]

Country/1/ Sales by MOFA's to foreign persons Sales by MOUSA's to U.S. persons
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
All countries 99,226 121,259 131,623 140,553 142,603 159,149 190,057 221,061 94,169 109,169 119,520 127,969 134,700 145,414 149,663 160,990
Canada 16,065 18,214 17,967 17,531 18,265 17,776 18,534 20,774 18,874 21,994 20,875 20,138 23,507 22,285 26,620 27,346
Europe 53,132 69,233 74,091 80,124 79,578 84,599 105,111 127,179 57,410 64,540 71,983 77,531 78,255 86,156 89,978 96,596
Belgium 2,412 3,206 3,591 (/D/) (/D/) 3,886 4,277 4,286 (/D/) 415 469 767 533 471 164 322
France 7,070 8,376 9,349 10,869 10,292 10,897 14,183 15,415 4,456 5,104 5,649 6,923 7,506 11,315 12,141 11,855
Germany 6,884 8,339 9,730 11,379 12,744 12,434 17,618 21,803 5,095 5,564 8,416 8,850 10,687 10,728 11,904 16,142
Italy 3,532 4,842 5,337 6,005 5,187 4,528 5,176 6,466 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 785 819 917 750 756
Netherlands 5,138 7,989 7,537 6,925 7,740 8,111 9,134 11,130 7,374 8,145 8,634 10,374 8,667 (/D/) 9,860 9,954
Norway 595 635 704 846 793 878 (/D/) 1,625 395 177 300 358 479 539 527 2,074
Spain 1,576 2,001 2,298 2,608 2,095 2,211 2,869 3,025 144 220 204 147 168 179 182 183
Sweden (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 2,851 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 2,413 1,490
Switzerland 2,413 2,968 2,776 2,759 3,140 3,187 4,006 4,512 8,763 10,211 11,029 11,577 11,655 12,589 12,758 14,362
United Kingdom 19,716 26,131 27,636 29,480 28,496 31,810 38,114 49,070 27,406 30,336 30,616 32,661 33,359 35,563 35,409 36,051
Other (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 6,003 6,996 1,914 2,174 2,469 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 3,871 3,406
Latin America and Other Western Hemisphere 6,139 7,972 8,441 8,999 9,526 12,588 15,791 17,373 2,428 2,309 2,630 2,523 3,432 4,100 4,209 5,142
South and Central America 3,541 (/D/) 4,042 4,705 5,580 8,354 10,893 12,134 522 497 518 756 819 944 969 1,001
Argentina 477 437 509 612 751 1,463 2,012 2,582 9 10 10 3 3 3 3 3
Brazil 1,459 1,921 1,700 1,685 1,875 2,361 3,008 3,431 20 16 20 (/D/) 36 40 40 40
Chile 168 184 218 399 465 865 1,530 1,141 (*) (*) (*) 0 0 0 0 0
Mexico 723 626 796 (/D/) 1,310 1,772 1,850 2,003 106 105 133 321 348 488 517 508
Venezuela 251 (/D/) 348 (/D/) (/D/) 1,054 (/D/) 1,741 39 99 120 (/D/) 197 214 223 245
Other 631 (/D/) 689 519 (/D/) 839 (/D/) 1,236 348 267 236 229 235 199 186 205
Other Western Hemisphere 2,598 (/D/) 4,399 4,294 3,946 4,233 4,898 5,239 1,906 1,813 2,112 1,769 2,613 3,156 3,240 4,141
Bermuda (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 490 697 894 968 1,133 1,373 1,460 1,699
Other (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 1,416 1,115 1,217 801 1,480 1,783 1,780 2,442
Africa, Middle East, and Asia and Pacific 21,299 23,187 28,008 31,348 32,496 41,663 48,088 53,347 15,004 19,810 23,399 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 28,226 31,216
Africa 563 650 637 (/D/) 727 (/D/) 1,677 1,811 293 187 126 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 237 235
South Africa 35 39 35 35 35 109 529 662 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 154 173 179 169 173
Other 528 611 601 (/D/) 692 (/D/) 1,148 1,149 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 68 62
Middle East 1,101 1,205 1,420 (/D/) 1,808 (/D/) 1,643 1,896 1,706 1,459 1,462 1,657 1,848 1,915 1,803 1,764
Israel 338 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 95 92 159 200 172 164 251 213
Saudi Arabia (/D/) (/D/) 614 772 809 720 (/D/) (/D/) 424 359 352 439 533 570 591 618
Other (/D/) 421 (/D/) 700 (/D/) (/D/) 633 693 1,187 1,008 951 1,018 1,143 1,181 961 933
Asia and Pacific 19,635 21,332 25,952 28,753 29,961 39,033 44,768 49,640 13,005 18,164 21,811 24,312 26,756 30,069 26,186 29,217
Australia 3,880 4,124 4,282 4,238 3,964 5,550 6,489 8,768 3,607 4,431 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 4,321 5,659
China 39 133 128 (/D/) 59 320 453 575 (*) (*) 2 40 42 45 58 60
Hong Kong 2,777 3,088 3,293 2,970 3,351 4,043 4,424 5,147 807 776 1,024 1,163 1,682 1,759 2,003 1,711
India 34 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 47 116 102 (*) (*) 1 15 16 24 30 28
Indonesia 157 255 237 266 256 249 324 415 4 10 19 27 44 53 40 38
Japan 9,787 9,934 12,072 13,859 15,672 19,545 21,693 21,995 7,504 12,489 15,097 17,705 20,337 23,203 18,621 20,476
Korea, Republic of (/D/) 366 419 598 699 (/D/) 1,141 (/D/) 36 66 191 (/D/) 375 252 238 249
Malaysia 282 298 353 568 642 1,136 (/D/) 1,391 16 17 22 50 124 180 162 228
New Zealand 382 430 1,746 1,798 394 848 1,175 1,022 (/D/) 43 (/D/) (/D/) 19 15 14 13
Philippines (/D/) (/D/) 214 243 257 397 (/D/) 512 50 39 39 10 12 12 10 9
Singapore 762 1,179 1,458 1,613 1,733 2,234 2,492 3,132 61 85 107 110 112 188 244 280
Taiwan 595 771 1,009 1,542 1,898 2,473 3,028 3,361 (/D/) 140 147 154 148 283 310 316
Thailand 346 495 629 797 879 (/D/) 1,593 (/D/) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Other (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 107 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 50 65 (/D/) 53 (/D/) (/D/) 134 148
International/2/ 2,590 2,652 3,116 2,550 2,738 2,523 2,531 2,388
United States/3/ 453 517 632 (/D/) (/D/) (/D/) 630 690
European Union/4/ 47,938 62,867 67,676 73,540 72,315 76,497 99,012 120,040 46,563 52,107 56,777 61,803 64,243 71,319 76,612 80,095
Eastern Europe/5/ 6 (/D/) (/D/) 12 53 423 438 577 14 16 17 13 10 12 20 9

* Less than $500,000.

D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of data of individual companies.

1. For MOFA's, "country" is the country of the affiliate; for MOUSA's, it is the country of the affiliate's ultimate beneficial owner.

2. Foreign affiliates classified in "International" are those that have operations in more than one country and that are engaged in petroleum shipping, other water transportation, or operating movable oil- and gas-drilling equipment.

3. Contains data for U.S. affiliates that have a foreign parent but whose ultimate beneficial owner is a U.S. person.

4. See table 2, footnote 2.

5. See table 2, footnote 3.

MOFA Majority-owned foreign affiliate

MOUSA Majority-owned U.S. affiliate