Future of Fermilab poster session

3:30-8:00 Friday November 16, Wilson Hall Atrium


1: NuSong
Janet Conrad (Columbia), Georgia Karagiorgi (Columbia)

2: A high-statistics charm mixing experiment
Jeffrey Appel (Fermilab), Alan Schwartz (Cincinnati)

3: DSF-MR Accelerator for Long Baseline neutrino experiments
Henryk Piekarz (Fermilab)

4: Cavity Fabrication: Niobium Material QC and Fabrication Technology at Fermilab
Mike Foley (Fermilab)

5: delta s measurement with booster neutrinos
Rex Tayloe (Indiana)

6: R&D on Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers and Physics Potential for Future Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
Niki Saoulidou (Fermilab), Dave Finley (Fermilab)

7: NOvA: NuMI Off-Axis nue Apperance Experiment
Niki Saoulidou (Fermilab)

8: Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments with Project X
Niki Saoulidou (Fermilab)

9: MICE: Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
Dazhang Huang (IIT)

10: ILC Instrumentation R&D at Fermilab
Manfred Wendt (Fermilab)

11: Front End Setup in Meson for High Intensity Neutrino Source
Jim Steimel (Fermilab)

12: Single Cell Program & Processing Studies at Fermilab
Nandhini Dhanaraj (Fermilab)

13: Measuring K Long to pi0 nu nu bar at FNAL
Douglas Bryman (TRIUMF)

14: MuCool Test Area R&D
Alfred Moretti (Fermilab)

15: ILC Cryomodule Assembly Facility (CAF)
Tug Arkan (Fermilab)

16: Fermilab ILC R&D Program
Harry Carter, Tug Arkan (Fermilab)

17: NOvA experiment: Performance of NOvA Design
Masaki Ishitsuka (Indiana)

18: Muon Cooling Activities
Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)

19: Physics with antiprotons
Daniel Kaplan (IIT)

20: Super Neutrino Beam from FNAL to the Homestake Neutrino Detector
Milind Diwan (BNL)

21: MicroBooNE
Joshua Spitz (Yale)

22: Accelerator Options for a FNAL Low-Energy Antiproton Facility
Gerry Jackson (Hbar Technologies)

23: Argonne-Fermilab Joint Cavity Processing Facility
Dan Olis (Fermilab)

24: Antimatter Gravity Experiment
Thomas Phillips (Duke)

25: ILC Test Accelerator at Fermilab: Opportunities for Beam Physics and Advanced Accelerator R&D
Philippe Piot (NIU)

26: A High Resolution Magnetized Neutrino Detector
Sanjib Mishra (South Carolina)

27: Fabrication and High Power Test of the First RT CH Accelerating Cavity for HINS
Leonardo Ristori (Fermilab)

28: Mu2e: Muon to Electron Conversion Experiment at Fermilab
Eric Prebys (Fermilab)

29: ILC Vertical Test Stand and its Upgrade Plan
Camille Ginsburg (Fermilab)

30: Accelerator based gravity wave experiments
Nikolai Andreev (Fermilab)

31: ILCTA MDB Horizontal Test Stand
Andy Hocker (Fermilab)

32: NOvA: NuMI Offaxis Electron Neutrino Apperance in the Project-X Era
Andrew Norman (Virginia)

33: ILC 3.9-GHz SCRF Cavity Technology
Helen Eduards (Fermilab)

Poster Instructions

The session officially begins at 3:30 so please have posters mounted before then.
Most activity will take place during the reception which starts at 5:30 so I think between 5:30 and 7 is a reasonable time to be near your poster.

Posters will be mounted on poster boards 42" high x 48" wide. Larger posters can be accommodated, but email Brendan in that case.

Dimensions: The full size of the poster is also discretionary, but don't plan to mount anything lower than table height (30" from the floor)

If this is your first poster and you would like some help, feel free to email Brendan .