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National Conservation Training Center

USFWS New Employee Orientation Program

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Register for New Employee (online) Orientation Program
(LED 5N46)

USFWS Employee Foundations

Department of the Interior

Home Page

Regional Orientation



Registration for the online New Employe Orientation Program is handled through the Department of the Interior's system, DOI Learn.

If you've not previously enrolled in the system, you will need to do so before you can register for the Orientation program. Once you've enrolled you will need to return to this page to begin reviewing the material. Click here to enter DOI Learn.

You may proceed through the orientation in any order you wish; however, there are certain mandatory topics that must be completed by all new employees. These are located in the Policy section. At the end of the course you will answer a question to indicate that you have read and understood these critical policies.

Navigation is controlled by a menu on the left hand side of your screen. Click on the topic you wish to view and it will appear in the "main area" of the window (the center - to the right of the left hand menu). Within the program you may be directed to view other pages through links in the text. These links appear in blue and are underlined. Other links include a "Continue" button. At any time you may return to the home page by choosing this button located at the bottom of the screen.

In order to receive credit for completing the online orientation program, you will need to complete the the post course test and the program evaluation form.

Service employees are also encouraged to learn about the Department of the Interior as part of their orientation. Together with our sister bureaus we carry out an important federal function: to protect and provide access to our Nation's natural and cultural heritage and honor our trust responsibilities to Indian Tribes and our commitments to island communities. The DOI Fact Sheet will introduce you to the various components of the Department and their unique portions of the Department mission.

Click here to enter DOI Learn to enroll in the USFWS New Employee Orientation Program.







If you have questions, comments or problems with the orientation website, send email to: Webmaster, USFWS, NCTC, 698 Conservation Way, Shepherdstown, WV 25443. •

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