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2007 Outstanding Participant Award

Ms. Pamela Jensen
Native Americans for Community Action, Inc.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Picture of Lorenda Sanchez, Jamescita Mae Peshlakai, Pamela Jensen, and Jeff Foster
L-R: Lorenda Sanchez (Presenter), Jamescita Mae Peshlakai (WIA Director), Pamela Jensen (Awardee), and Jeff Foster (Presenter)
Pamela Jensen is a member of the Dine’ Nation. She is of the Towering House clan, born for the Dark Streak Wood clan. Her maternal grandfathers are of the Many-Goats clan and her paternal grandfathers are of the Wandering People clan.

With great faith, love, and hope, Pamela overcame many barriers to employment with the help of the Native Americans for Community Action (NACA), Inc.’s Workforce Investment Act Indian and Native American program. Pamela began by participating in the work experience training component and served as a Medical Office Assistant for NACA’s Family Health Center.
Picture of Jamescita Mae Peshlakai, and Pamela Jensen
L-R: Jamescita Mae Peshlakai, and Pamela Jensen
By the end of her training, Pamela received numerous offers for employment. Today, she is employed full-time at the Family Health Center, earns a competitive salary, and has a great employee benefits package.

Picture of Pamela Jensen
Pamela Jensen
Her and her young family of four children never wavered under any hardships. Her children are doing exceptionally well in their school and community activities and together, they count their blessings. She finds her strength in the emotional and spiritual support of her family, friends, and church. Pamela is an exemplary and professional citizen and she maintains an outstanding sense of maturity and compassion, which reflects her beliefs, resilience, conviction, and self-respect.

Picture of Sibert Seciwa, Pamela Jensen, Jamescita Mae Peshlakai, and Michael Brabec
L-R: Sibert Seciwa (Federal Project Officer), Pamela Jensen, Jamescita Mae Peshlakai, and Michael Brabec


Created: May 29, 2007