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The Way We Make Progress Against Disease - Advanced (Text Version)

  1. Clinical Trials
    The Way We Make Progress Against Disease

  2. What Are Clinical Trials?
    • Research studies involving people
    • Try to answer scientific questions and find better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease

  3. Why Are Clinical Trials Important?
    • Clinical trials translate results of
      basic scientific research into better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease
    • The more people take part, the faster we can:
      • Answer critical research questions
      • Find better treatments and ways to prevent disease

  4. Do Many People Take Part in Clinical Trials?
    • Few people participate

  5. What Are the Different Types of Clinical Trials?
    • Treatment
    • Prevention
    • Early detection/screening
    • Diagnostic
    • Quality of life/supportive care

  6. Treatment Trials
    • What new treatments can help people with a particular disease?
    • What is the most effective treatment for people with that disease?

  7. Clinical Trial Phases
    Phase 1 trials
    • How does the agent affect the human body?
    • What dosage is safe?

  8. Clinical Trial Phases
    Phase 2 trials
    • Does the agent or intervention have an effect on the disease?

  9. Clinical Trial Phases
    Phase 3 trials
    • Is the new agent or intervention (or new use of a treatment) better than the standard?
    • Participants have an equal chance to be assigned to one of two or more groups

  10. Randomized Trials
    • Participants have an equal chance to be assigned to one of two or more groups:
      One gets the most widely accepted treatment (standard treatment)
    • The other gets the new treatment being tested, which researchers hope and have reason to believe will be better than the standard treatment

  11. Randomization
    [ A graphical image (figure) is placed here. It shows a group of ten people and each person is uniquely numbered from one to ten. After a randomization process, this group divides into two subgroups made up of five people each. One is called Control Group and has the following numbered people: 5, 8, 9, 7, and 3. The other one is called Investigational Group and has the following numbered people: 4, 2, 6, 1, and 10. ]

  12. Why is Randomization Important?
    • So all groups are as alike as possible
    • Provides the best way to prove the effectiveness of a new agent or intervention

  13. Treatment Trials
    • What new treatments can help people with a particular disease?
    • What is the most of effective treatment for people with that disease?

  14. Treatment Trials
    Placebos are almost never used:
    • Placebos are used only when no standard treatment exists
    • Patients are told of this possibility before deciding to take part

  15. Prevention Trials
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of ways to reduce the risk of a particular disease
    • Enroll healthy people at high risk for developing that disease

  16. Prevention Trials
    • Action studies ("doing something")
    • Agent studies ("taking something") -- also called "chemoprevention studies"

  17. Chemoprevention Trials
    • Phase 3 chemoprevention trials compare a promising new agent with either a:
      • Standard agent
      • Placebo

  18. Clinical Trial Protocol
    • A recipe or blueprint
    • Strict scientific guidelines:
      • Purpose of study
      • How many people will participate
      • Who is eligible to participate
      • How the study will be carried out
      • What information will be gathered about participants
      • Endpoints

  19. Benefits of Participation
    Possible benefits:
    • Patients will receive, at a minimum, the best standard treatment (if one exists)
    • If the new treatment or intervention is proven to work, patients may be among the first to benefit
    • Patients have a chance to help others and improve patient care

  20. Risks of Participation
    Possible risks:
    • New treatments or interventions under study are not always better than, or even as good as, standard care
    • Even if a new treatment has benefits, it may not work for every patient
    • Health insurance and managed care providers do not always cover clinical trials

  21. Patient Protection
    • There have, unfortunately, been past abuses in patient protection
    • Federal regulations ensure that people are told about the benefits, risks, and purpose of research before they agree to participate

  22. How Are Patients' Rights Protected?
    • Informed consent
    • Scientific review
    • Institutional review boards (IRBs)
    • Data safety and monitoring boards (DSMBs)

  23. How Are Patients' Rights Protected?
    Informed Consent:
    • Purpose
    • Procedures
    • Potential risks and benefits
    • Individual rights

  24. How Are Patients' Rights Protected?
    • Scientific review
    • Institutional review boards (IRBs) are required by federal law for trials that are:
      • Federally funded
      • Subject to FDA regulation

  25. How Are Patients' Rights Protected?
    Data and safety monitoring boards:
    • Ensure that risks are minimized
    • Ensure data integrity
    • Stop a trial if safety concerns arise or objectives have been met

  26. Why Do So Few People Participate in Clinical Trials?
    Sometimes patients:
    • Don't know about clinical trials
    • Don't have access to clinical trials
    • May be afraid or suspicious of research
    • Can't afford to participate
    • May not want to go against health care provider's wishes

  27. Why Do So Few People Participate in Clinical Trials?
    Health care providers might:
    • Lack awareness of appropriate clinical trials
    • Be unwilling to "lose control" of a person's care
    • Believe that standard therapy is best
    • Be concerned that clinical trials add administrative burdens

  28. Where to Find Clinical Trial Information
  29. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
    National Institutes of Health
    Adapted from a slide presentation developed by the National Cancer Institute, for its Cancer Clinical Trials Education Series.
This page last updated: February 26, 2008