BHSU has the largest Curriculum and Instruction master’s program (MSCI) in the state with many opportunities for online completion in technology and reading. The MSCI graduate program is comprised of local, regional, national and international students. Learn more...


Campus Events:

Oct. 9

Annabelle Gurwitch Speaks at BHSU
Annabelle Gurwitch host of WA$TED a television program on the network Planet Green will speak at on the Black Hills State University campus Thursday, Oct. 9 in Meier Recital hall. Learn more...

Oct. 10

Preview Day
Come visit our campus and explore BHSU at our Preview Day, on October 10. You will meet BHSU students, tour the campus, talk to professors, and learn more about our academic programs, admission requirements, and financial aid. Register Now.


In the Spotlight:

Thanks to all the students, faculty, staff, and alumni who gathered for the BHSU historic photograph celebrating 125 years since the University was founded. learn more...

Did you miss Dr. Ahmad's presentation given on Constitution Day? Read the full presentation here.


Meet our Faculty at BHSU.