SUBJECT:                                           :           EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION -                                                                             Policy


DATE ISSUED:                                   :           May 1, 1995


SECTION:                                           :           E




SECTION 1:                                        PURPOSE


                                                            The purpose of employee performance evaluations is to: motivate employees to work at their highest capacity by better delineating work responsibilities; jointly establish job standards and objectives, and review progress toward achieving those results and subsequently plan the employee's future development; determine an employee's performance level to assist in making appraisals for probation completion, appointments, merit pay increases, promotions, transfers, and disciplinary actions; and most importantly, to serve as a means of communication between management and staff.



SECTION 2:                                        APPEALS 


                                                            An employee may request discussion of the performance evaluation to the next level of supervision, or Department Head, and may file a written response to the performance evaluation which will be placed in his/her personnel file.  Performance evaluations are not  grievable.



SECTION 3:                                        ADMINISTRATION


                                                            An Employee Performance Report shall be filed with the Personnel Department every ninety (90) days during a probationary period and annually thereafter until the employee reaches the final step of the salary range.


                                                            Performance evaluation reports for employees shall be prepared by supervisors.  In addition, performance evaluations may be conducted at specified intervals or at any time at the discretion of the Department Head.