Table 4.9c
Among adults age 18 and over who reported going to a doctor's office or clinic in the last 12 months, percent of their health providers who always spent enough time with them, Medicaid, by State, 2004
State Percent Standard error
California 42.4 0.8
Colorado 55.4 1.4
Florida 64.1 1.1
Hawaii 54.8 1.6
Kansas 44.6 2.1
Maryland 59.1 1.4
Massachusetts 47.4 2.0
Michigan 49.9 0.8
Nevada 42.4 2.8
New Mexico 54.4 2.0
New York 49.7 0.6
Ohio 51.4 1.7
Oklahoma 45.4 1.7
Oregon 45.1 1.7
Pennsylvania 58.3 1.0
Vermont 54.1 2.8

Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, National CAHPS Benchmarking Database.

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