Table 1.31b
Percent of patients with hematocrit 33 or greatera, by State, 2000 and 2003
  2003 2000
State Percent Standard error Percent Standard error
United Statesb 88.8 0.1 77.8  
Alabama 86.7 0.5 75.8 0.6
Alaska 84.8 2.9 85.0 3.0
Arizona 90.6 0.5 81.2 0.7
Arkansas 81.9 0.9 69.6 1.0
California 88.1 0.2 78.1 0.3
Colorado 91.6 0.7 88.7 0.8
Connecticut 87.6 0.7 77.6 0.9
Delaware 91.4 1.0 86.0 1.4
District of Columbia 90.2 0.8 74.2 1.3
Florida 89.6 0.3 78.4 0.4
Georgia 85.0 0.4 68.1 0.5
Hawaii 92.2 0.8 85.0 1.1
Idaho 92.3 1.2 74.4 2.2
Illinois 90.2 0.3 78.7 0.4
Indiana 92.3 0.4 82.8 0.6
Iowa 88.9 0.8 77.8 1.1
Kansas 86.8 0.8 82.9 1.0
Kentucky 87.2 0.6 79.6 0.8
Louisiana 88.3 0.4 79.1 0.6
Maine 91.3 1.0 80.5 1.5
Maryland 89.8 0.4 76.2 0.6
Massachusetts 88.5 0.6 81.9 0.7
Michigan 89.3 0.3 72.9 0.5
Minnesota 91.5 0.6 81.0 0.8
Mississippi 89.6 0.5 81.1 0.7
Missouri 82.2 0.6 75.0 0.7
Montana 84.2 1.7 81.1 1.9
Nebraska 88.9 1.0 76.5 1.4
Nevada 89.2 1.0 80.0 1.4
New Hampshire 86.2 1.4 85.8 1.6
New Jersey 89.8 0.4 79.0 0.5
New Mexico 93.9 0.6 83.6 1.0
New York 88.8 0.3 73.1 0.4
North Carolina 89.6 0.3 79.0 0.5
North Dakota 75.9 2.2 70.5 2.5
Ohio 89.8 0.3 77.9 0.5
Oklahoma 90.2 0.6 75.8 0.9
Oregon 91.7 0.7 85.1 1.0
Pennsylvania 86.5 0.4 74.3 0.5
Puerto Rico 89.4 0.6 77.4 0.8
Rhode Island 88.3 1.3 79.4 1.5
South Carolina 89.0 0.4 72.6 0.7
South Dakota 92.0 1.2 83.6 1.6
Tennessee 84.9 0.5 70.1 0.7
Texas 90.1 0.2 83.1 0.3
Utah 86.4 1.3 76.3 1.7
Vermont 82.8 2.3 72.2 3.0
Virginia 89.6 0.4 81.9 0.5
Washington 91.8 0.5 86.4 0.7
West Virginia 87.2 1.0 80.1 1.2
Wisconsin 89.4 0.6 80.3 0.8
Wyoming 89.9 2.2 82.7 3.0

a Estimates are age adjusted.

b Standard error is unavailable for 2000 data.

Source: Data from the 2003 unit-specific report for dialysis patients, University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center.

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