Table 1.11a
Cancer deaths per 100,000 population per year for lung cancer, United States, 1999 and 2002
    2002 1999
Population group Number Ratea Standard error Number Ratea Standard error
Total   157,713 54.9 0.1 152,154 55.5 0.1
Age (not age adjusted) 0-17 6 DSU DSU 9 DNA DNA
18-44 2,883 2.5 0.0 2,919 DNA DNA
45-64 42,834 64.2 0.3 40,778 67.6 0.3
65 and over 111,990 314.6 0.9 108,448 311.7 0.9
Race American Indian or Alaska Native 556 33.1 1.5 497 36.3 1.7
Asian or Pacific Islander 2,180 25.6 0.6 1,943 27.9 0.7
Black 16,316 61.9 0.5 15,963 64.8 0.5
White 138,661 55.3 0.1 133,751 55.4 0.2
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 4,038 23.7 0.4 3,545 25.0 0.4
Non-Hispanic, all races 153,292 56.9 0.1 148,204 57.2 0.1
Non-Hispanic, Black 16,170 62.9 0.5 15,834 65.7 0.5
Non-Hispanic, White 134,435 57.5 0.2 129,966 57.2 0.2
Gender Male 90,171 73.2 0.2 89,451 76.9 0.3
Female 67,542 41.6 0.2 62,703 40.2 0.2
Education (age 25-64) Less than high school 9,821 46.3 0.5 10,321 49.8 0.5
High school graduate 19,958 40.2 0.3 18,813 41.0 0.3
At least some college 12,007 15.1 0.1 10,714 16.5 0.2

a Estimates are age adjusted to the 2000 standard population, except where indicated.

DNA - Data have not been analyzed.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System - Mortality.

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