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COFR Forms

Liability limits were recently amended in Title VI of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006, which will result in changes to the requirements for proof of financial responsiblity found in the existing "Financial Responsibility for Water Pollution (Vessels)" regulations at 33 CFR part 138. The applicable COFR forms will be updated with the amended limits when the revised regulations become effective. Read more...

Form Number Title/Long Name Users Description
CG 5585 COFR Application Vessel Owners & Operators Use this form to apply for a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR). You may also apply for a COFR electronically through the E-COFR system.
CG 5586
(50 KB PDF)
Insurance Guaranty Insurers/ Guarantors Vessel owners & operators should ask their insurers to complete this form to show that they have adequate insurance to meet the applicable liability limits when applying for a COFR.
CG 5586-1
(50 KB PDF)
Master Insurance Guaranty Insurers/
Vessel builders, repairers, scrappers, lessors, and sellers should ask their insurers to complete this form to show that they have adequate insurance to meet the applicable liability limits when applying for a Master Certificate.

CG 5586-2
(75 KB PDF)

Surety Bond Guaranty Insurers/
Vessel owners & operators should ask their insurers to complete this form to show that they have adequate surety bonds to meet the applicable liability limits when applying for a COFR.
CG 5586-3
(50 KB PDF)
Financial Guaranty Vessel Owners & Operators, COFR Guarantors Complete this form to show that you have adequate working capital and net worth to be self-insured to meet the applicable liability limits when applying for a COFR.
CG 5586-4
(50 KB PDF)
Master Financial Guaranty Insurers/
Vessel builders, repairers, scrappers, lessors, and sellersshould ask their insurers to complete this form to show that they have adequate working capital and net worth to be self-insured to meet the applicable liability limits when applying for a Master Certificate.

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Spill Response Funding Forms

Form Number
Title/Long Name
(350 KB PDF)
FOSC Financial Management Checklist FOSCs Follow this step-by-step guidance when using the OSLTF Emergency Fund or CERCLA/Superfund and monitoring cost documentation during a response.
IRAT Pollution Incident Report and Transmittal Form FOSCs Use as the cover to the project's Final Financial Report.
CG 5136 Pollution Incident Daily Resource Report Spill Responders, including FOSCs, Government Agencies, & OSROs Use these forms to document oil spill incidents and expenditures.
PRFA Forms Pollution Removal Funding Authorizations FOSCs & Government Agencies Use the Pollution Response Funding Authorization (PRFA) forms to quickly obtain needed services from other government agencies in oil spill and hazardous materials response actions.
SF1080 & SF1081 Voucher for Transfers between Appropriations and/or Funds Government Agencies Use the Vouchers for Transfers to request reimbursement from the Coast Guard for funds expended during oil spill removal.
CG NPFC-CM02 Case/Cost Documentation Checklist FPNs & CPNs FOSCs Use checklist to help collect, prepare, and finalize cost documentation packages for submission to the NPFC.

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Claims Forms

Form Number
Title/Long Name
(100 KB PDF)
Optional OSLTF Claim Form Anyone injured by
an oil spill
Provides format for submitting damage or removal cost claims to the NPFC. Use of form isn't required, but all claims must contain the information listed on the form.
(400 KB PDF)
Interagency Agreement to
Initiate Natural Resource
Damage Assessment
Federal Lead Administrative Trustees Federal Lead Administrative Trustees (FLATs) complete this form to request funding to initiate natural resource damage assessments for an oil spill.

Quarterly Cost Documentation Report & Quarterly Progress Report Federal Lead Administrative Trustees &
Natural Resource Trustees
Federal Lead Administrative Trustees (FLATs) compile cost documentation from all trustees and submit them along with a progress report to the NPFC on a quarterly basis or, for claims submitted for reimbursement, when the claim is submitted to the NPFC. Use of forms isn't required, but all claims must contain the information listed on the forms.

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Last Modified 9/11/2008