Current Headlines

Evacuees cope as rescues continue

As extent of disaster becomes known, faith-based organizations ready response. READ MORE

Possible pollutants worry responder

Combination of oil refineries, chemical plants, high water and lack of power could produce technological disaster in Ike's wake.

Train collision proves deadly

At least 25 people killed, more than 130 injured in “horrific” train wreck in California.

Storms add new mission for group

Two decades of contacts helps Louisiana environmental network funnel appropriate response to disaster survivors

Recent News

They care for disasters' children

Children's Disaster Services focuses on special care for the youngest of disaster evacuees

Texas ministry brings hope to poor

Work with survivors of Hurricane Dolly is just the latest project for this 20-year-old ministry.

TX floods create tragic conditions

Residents in one of the poorest parts of the U.S. resigned to "living in the unlivable" with mold, mildew, leaking houses

Many in FL are without insurance

Thousands of homes damaged, responders scramble to provide support

Scientists split on ice melt impact

Faster than expected ice melting this summer prompts warning that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summers within five years

Donation dilemma is second disaster

Groups receive everything from 100,000 toothbrushes to 40,000 cough drops - and more.

News Briefs

More than 1,000 evacuate in Midwest

Flooding reported in some of the same areas hit in June as the worst flooding in decades hits some communities.

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