U.S. Census Bureau

2007 NAICS Definitions

325191 Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) distilling wood or gum into products, such as tall oil and wood distillates, and (2) manufacturing wood or gum chemicals, such as naval stores, natural tanning materials, charcoal briquettes, and charcoal (except activated).

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

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Corresponding Index Entries
325191325191325191 Acetate of lime, natural, made by distillation of wood
325191325191325191 Acetone, natural, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Annato extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Brazilwood extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Brewers' pitch made by distillation of wood
325191325191325191 Camphor, natural, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Charcoal (except activated) manufacturing
325191325191325191 Charcoal briquettes, wood, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Chestnut extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Creosote made by distillation of wood tar
325191325191325191 Cycloterpenes manufacturing
325191325191325191 Distillates, wood, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Dragon's blood manufacturing
325191325191325191 Dyes, natural, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Ethyl acetate, natural, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Extracts, natural dyeing and tanning, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Fustic wood extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Gambier extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Gum and wood chemicals manufacturing
325191325191325191 Hardwood distillates manufacturing
325191325191325191 Hemlock extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Logwood extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Mangrove extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Methyl acetone manufacturing
325191325191325191 Methyl alcohol (methanol), natural, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Myrobalans extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Naval stores, gum or wood, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Oak extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Oils, wood, made by distillation of wood
325191325191325191 Pine oil manufacturing
325191325191325191 Pinene manufacturing
325191325191325191 Pitch, wood, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Pyroligneous acids manufacturing
325191325191325191 Quebracho extracts manufacturing
325191325191325191 Quercitron extracts manufacturing
325191325191325191 Rosins made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
325191325191325191 Softwood distillates manufacturing
325191325191325191 Sumac extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Tall oil (except skimmings) manufacturing
325191325191325191 Tannic acid (i.e., tannins) manufacturing
325191325191325191 Tanning extracts and materials, natural, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Tar and tar oils made by distillation of wood
325191325191325191 Turpentine made by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
325191325191325191 Valonia extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Wattle extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Witch hazel extract manufacturing
325191325191325191 Wood alcohol, natural, manufacturing
325191325191325191 Wood distillates manufacturing
325191325191325191 Wood oils manufacturing