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Administration on Aging Publications
Publication Name
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AoA Annual Report: 2006 - Full Report
1 maximum  
AoA Fact Sheets (Available in the AoA Fact Sheet Section)
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AoA Personal Healthcare Journal 5 max  
Be Informed. Be Aware, Be Involved. Fight Medicare, Medicaid Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
  Available in PDF only
1 max  
1 max  
Caregiver Tips
5 max  
Chinese 5 max  
Russian 5 max  
Espanol 5 max  
Promising Practices in the Field of Caregiving
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Joint Publications
Publication Name
Order Printed Version(s) Quantity
Housing Options for Older Adults: A Guide for Making Housing Decisions
DOC Print out of stock  
The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study. (Prepared by Grantee – National Center on Elder Abuse)
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Choices for Mobility Independence Transportation Options for Older Adults
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Other Publications
Publication Name View/
Order Printed Version(s) Quantity
Because We Care – A Guide for People Who Care    
2006 Progress Report on Alzheimer’s Disease (NIA)
Older Adults and Mental Health: Issues and Opportunties
2 max
Alzheimer's Disease: Unraveling the Mystery
Available in PDF only
Older Americans 2008: Key Indicators of Well Being

Exercise: A Guide from the NIA

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El Ejercicio y Su Salud

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Medicines and You:           
Espanol 5 max  
Consumer Action Handbook 2007 5 max  
Medicare Publications
The Medicare Replacement Demonstration 5 max  
Your Medicare Benefits 5 max  
Guide to Medicare’s Preventive Services 5 max  
Medicare & You National Handbook 5 max  


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* FDA Publications Database (Off Site)
* NIH - Word on Health (Off Site)
* SAMHSA Publications(Off Site)
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* National Institute on Aging (Off Site)
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* ADEAR Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center (Off Site)
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  Last Updated Last Modified: 8/1/2008 12:12:59 PM  
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