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Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets are for professionals in the field of aging, service providers and policymakers as well as older Americans and their family members.
Fact Sheet Title Download Print Version Order by Mail
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10 max)
Administration on Aging Word Word Icon - 97 KB  
Aging and Disability Resource Centers Word Word Icon - 100 KB  
Assistive Technology Word Word Icon - 114 KB  
Assisted Living Word Word Icon - 110 KB  
Challenges of Global Aging Word Word Icon - 539 KB  
Home Health Care Word Word Icon - 89 KB  
Home Modification Word Word Icon - 109 KB  
Hospice Word Word Icon - 90 KB  
Nursing Home Diversion Modernization Grant Program Word Word Icon - 85 KB  
Elderly Nutrition Program Word Word Icon - 134 KB  
American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Program Word Word Icon - 83 KB  
Evidenced-Based Disease Prevention Program Word Word Icon - 989 MB  
Alzheimer’s Disease Word Word Icon - 94KB  
Choices for Independence Word Word Icon - 78 KB  
Elder Rights: Safeguards for the Most Vulnerable Among Us Fact Sheets Word Word Icon - 107 KB  
Long Term Care Awareness Campaign PDF PDF Icon  
Long Term Care Ombudsman Word Word Icon - 80 KB  

Snapshots provide fast facts, figures and statistics on an issue or a particular Administration on Aging program. These easy to read pieces are useful in writing proposals, preparing area plans or for the media
Snapshot Title Download Print Version Order by Mail
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National Family Caregiver Support Program Word Word Icon - 128 KB  
A Statistical Profile of Black Older Americans Aged 65+ PDF PDF Icon - 61 KB
Word Word Icon - 201 KB
A Statistical Profile of Older Americans Aged 65+ PDF PDF Icon - 61 KB
Word Word Icon - 201 KB
A Statistical Profile of Hispanic Older Americans Aged 65+ PDF PDF Icon - 61 KB
Word Word Icon - 194 KB

Issue Briefs
Issue Briefs are in-depth professional papers focusing on a particular issue of concern in the area of long-term care. They can be utilized by professionals as background pieces for research and increase awareness of a particular subject.
Long-Term Care Systems Change for the Aged and Americans With Disabilities: State Profiles PDF PDF Icon - 100 KB

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  Last Updated Last Modified: 9/15/2008 9:15:08 AM  
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