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Fraud Data Tables

These data tables display data provided by County Welfare Departments concerning caseloads and disposition of fraud investigation related to social service programs. As additional and/or revised data become available, they are updated and new versions are issued.

CA 812 - Quarterly Report of Overpayments and Collections - CalWORKs
This quarterly report includes data on the number and amounts of identified CalWORKs overpayments, grant reductions, cash collections, overpayments that will not be pursued, and overpayments that have been fully recovered during the quarter.

DPA 266 - Fraud Investigation Activity Report
This monthly report includes data on cases where reasonable grounds to suspect fraud have resulted in a request for investigation to the Special Investigative Unit (SIU). The DPA 266 covers case investigations in all California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) cases, including those cases in the Two Parent state program; Public Assistance (PA) and Nonassistance (NA) Food Stamps; and other aid programs. The report provides data on requests for investigation; disposition of investigations by County Welfare Departments and County District Attorneys; fraud overpayments/overissuances identified and collected; dollar amounts of fines and forfeitures imposed; criminal complaints filed by prosecutors; and cases referred for Administrative Disqualification Hearings (ADH) and their dispositions.

DPA 482 – Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Management Report
This quarterly report includes data on the results of county Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Wage Match processing. Information provided includes the number of abstracts received and processed, the number of cases and dollar amounts of client-caused CalWORKs overpayments and Food Stamp overissuances, and the number of referrals made to Special Investigative Units (SIUs).