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Economic Assessment Office
Advanced Technology Program
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899

William F. Long
Business Performance Research Associates, Inc.
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

March 1999


Executive Summary

CHAPTER 1 - Overview of Completed Projects

Characteristics of the Projects
Timeline of Expected ATP Project
    Activities and Impacts

Gains in Technical Knowledge
Dissemination of New Knowledge
Commercialization of the New Technology
Broad-Based Economic Benefits

CHAPTER 2 - Biotechnology

Aastrom Biosciences, Inc.
Aphios Corporation
Molecular Simulations, Inc.
Thermo Trilogy Corporation
Tissue Engineering, Inc.

CHAPTER 3 - Chemicals and Chemical Processing

BioTraces, Inc.

CHAPTER 4 - Discrete Manufacturing

Auto Body Consortium (Joint Venture)
HelpMate Robotics, Inc.
PreAmp Consortium (Joint Venture)
Saginaw Machine Systems, Inc.

CHAPTER 5 - Electronics

Accuwave Corporation
AstroPower, Inc.
Cree Research, Inc.
Cynosure, Inc.
Diamond Semiconductor Group, LLC
FSI International, Inc.
Galileo Corporation
Hampshire Instruments, Inc. (Joint Venture)
Illinois Superconductor Corporation
Light Age, Inc.
Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Multi-Film Venture (Joint Venture)
Nonvolatile Electronics, Inc.
Spire Corporation
Thomas Electronics, Inc.

CHAPTER 6 - Energy and Environment

American Superconductor Corporation
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company
Michigan Molecular Institute

CHAPTER 7 - Information, Computers, and Communications

Communication Intelligence Corporation #1
Communication Intelligence Corporation #2
Engineering Animation, Inc.
ETOM Technologies, Inc.
Mathematical Technologies, Inc.
Torrent Systems, Inc.

CHAPTER 8 - Materials

AlliedSignal, Inc.
Geltech Incorporated
IBM Corporation


Appendix A: Development of New Knowledge and Early Commercial Products and Processes

Appendix B: Terminated Projects


End Notes

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Industry has proposed 3,585 projects to the ATP since 1990, of which 431, or 12 percent, have been selected by the ATP for funding. Fifty of the 431 ATP projects were either completed or terminated as of March 1997, which is when this study began. Of the 50 projects, 38 were completed, and 12 were terminated before completion. This study focuses on these first 38 completed projects. A series of sequential studies will address additional ATP projects as they are completed or terminated.

Technology Development Proposals to the ATP

Projects are proposed to the ATP by U.S. companies. Proposals that score high in terms of their scientific/technical merit and their economic merit are selected for ATP cost-share awards. The reviews are carried out in rigorous peer-review competitions. All proposals are reviewed by government scientists and engineers who are expert in the relevant technology areas. They are also reviewed by business, industry, and economic experts who judge the potential of the proposed project to deliver broadly based economic benefits to the nation -- including large benefits extending beyond the award recipient, i.e., "spillovers". The ATP issues a proposal preparation kit that presents and explains the selection criteria to prospective proposers and provides guidance on preparing proposals. (1)

ATP Project Evaluation

The Economic Assessment Office (EAO) of the ATP is charged with evaluating the performance of funded projects. One element of the EAO's evaluation plan (2) is to provide an interim assessment of the status of all completed ATP projects, this being the first status report. Another element is to conduct detailed economic case studies of selected projects, several of which are drawn upon and referenced in this study. Other evaluation activities of the EAO include database development, surveys, statistical and econometric studies, model development, and special issues studies. (3)

"Completed" and "Terminated" Projects Defined

For the purposes of this study, a "completed" project is defined as one for which a final report has been filed with the ATP, the financial and other paperwork required for close-out has been done, and the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Grants Office has notified the ATP that it considers the project completed. A "terminated" project is defined as one that either was selected in an ATP competition and announced but never officially started, or one that started but was closed for some reason before the completion date, with a substantial amount of the technical work still unfinished.

Sources of Information

Information contained in the individual project reports in Chapters 2-8 comes from several sources: documents filed by project participants; conversations with ATP staff familiar with the project; public documents, such as patent data from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, academic and other professional literature, trade and business literature, news reports, and filings at the Securities and Exchange Commission; previous EAO studies; and interviews with company project staff. Each of the individual project write-ups was reviewed for accuracy by the awardee and ATP staff.

Report Organization

Chapter 1 provides a summary overview of the 38 completed projects as a group. First, the portfolio is characterized in terms of technologies, company size, and other features. Then, the timing of the various stages of technology development and commercialization is discussed. Evidence of the gains in technical knowledge is covered, as is dissemination of the new knowledge, with special attention to the availability of products and processes that have been introduced to the market. The chapter closes with an overview of the broad-based benefits that this portfolio of projects is likely to produce.

The individual project reports are presented in Chapters 2-8, organized by technology group. For each completed project, major accomplishments and the outlook for continued progress are highlighted. A detailed account of how the project has unfolded is given, with attention to technical and commercial goals and achievements, information about technology diffusion, and views about the role played by ATP's funding.

Appendix A presents brief descriptions of technical and commercial achievements of the completed projects in tabular form. Appendix B provides a brief discussion of the 12 terminated projects.

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Date created: March 1999
Last updated: April 12, 2005
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