Alzheimer's Foundation of America

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Also Show You Care

Click here to memorialize a relative, friend, neighbor, colleague or other loved one, and respect his or her legacy by helping others in need.

Click here to honor an individual living with Alzheimer's disease or others, and pay tribute to his or her courage and the courage of others affected by this brain disorder.

Click here to celebrate good times—a wedding, anniversary, birthday, milestone, etc.—with a thoughtful contribution to our cause. Click here to download an acknowledgement card to share with wedding guests. In addition, through the I Do Foundation, wedding-related purchases by couples and their guests can generate donations for charity; suggest AFA as your charity of choice.

Click here
to contribute to the cause—and show you care about Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses.

Financial Report

AFA Awards family respite care grants, grants to community
agencies and The Brodsky Grant for innovate programs
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America is a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
We do not share our donor information.

Financial Report