Cat Genome Resources

NCBI Web Resources:
Global Query. Query all
NCBI Entrez databases in
one step.
Site Search. Search NCBI's WEB sites and FTP sites.
BLAST. Blast your sequence against cat-specific genomic sequence.
e-PCR. Check your sequence for STSs and view in genomic context.
Entrez Gene. Focal point for genes and associated information.
Genome Project. Complete and in-progress large-scale sequencing, assembly, annotation and mapping projects.
Map Viewer. Interactive viewer for genome maps, sequence, and genes.
Taxonomy. The Taxonomy Browser hosts summaries of sequence resources and external links through NCBI's LinkOut.
Trace Archive. Collection of raw sequence traces from various sequencing projects.
UniSTS. A non-redundant collection of STSs with links to maps and sequence.

Welcome to the Felis catus Genome Resources page. The feline genome effort will generate an important resource for gene discovery, affecting feline health and biology and the growing field of comparative genomics. This page offers a gateway to feline genome resources at NCBI and beyond. We encourage your suggestions.


The domestic cat provides several invaluable models for infectious disease, including a model for human AIDS. With a large number of recognized breeds, the cat is also a valuable resource for studying species diversity. Sequencing the cat genome will further facilitate research in medicine, and will also provide further insight into genome evolution and organization.

Photo courtesy of Stuart M. Bennett

Just In...

  • New genetic map: A new genetic map with 529 markers and generated exclusively from a domestic cat pedigree is now available in MapViewer. The autosomal portion is based on (Menotti-Raymond et al., 2009) and the X chromosomal portion on (Schmidt-Küntzel et al., 2009).
  • Updated RH map: An improved RH map with 2662 markers at an average intermarker distance of 0.9 Mb has been produced by Davis BW, et al. (2009) and is now available in MapViewer.
  • GARFIELD: A genome browser that accesses annotation of the domestic cat genome made by the Laboratory of Genomic Diveristy.
  • 2x WGS Sequences: The Broad Institute and Agencourt Bioscience Corporation have released a 2x assembly of the domestic cat genome. The WGS sequences are in GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ under accession AANG00000000. The genome sequence and assembly is discussed in Pontius et al., 2007.
  • Cat on a Limb: A genetic assessment of domestic cats and their wild progenitors indicates cats were domesticated in the Near East (Driscoll et al., 2007).
  • Cat up a Tree: A molecular phylogeny with divergence dates for all extant felid species helps place the domestic cat in an evolutionary context (Johnson et al., 2006).

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