U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of the Secretary
Washington, D.C.  20240



February 5, 2004





To:                   Bureau Equal Opportunity Officers


From:               Director, Office for Equal Opportunity


Subject:            Posting Requirements in Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity


Please find attached the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s implementing rules under the No FEAR Act regarding posting of EEO Complaint processing data.  The rules provide guidance what information to post, how to post it, and when to post it.  These are interim final rules and therefore subject to change based on the public comments EEOC receives.


As you know the Department was required to post the data by January 30, 2004.  The link for reviewing the data on the internet is: 




As you know, we must update the site quarterly by posting the cumulative data for each Bureau and Departmentwide.  Bureaus are required to provide the updated quarterly reports by the 15th day after the end of the Quarter; i.e., January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15.  The annual update is due no later then January 15th of each year for the preceding fiscal year.





Internet Link for Attachment:     






Distribution:                  All Bureau/Office Equal Opportunity Officers

Inquiries:                       Mercedes Flores, Chief of Staff, 202-208-6120

Expiration:                    Until superceded