November 09, 2004 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Unemployment rate in October 2004

The unemployment rate, 5.5 percent, was essentially unchanged from September to October.

Unemployment rate by demographic group, October 2004
[Chart data—TXT]

The jobless rate has held fairly steady thus far this year and remains below its most recent high of 6.3 percent in June 2003.

In October, the unemployment rates for the major worker groups—adult men (4.9 percent), adult women (4.8 percent), teenagers (17.2 percent), whites (4.7 percent), blacks (10.7 percent), and Hispanics or Latinos (6.7 percent)—showed little or no change over the month.

The data in this report are from the Current Population Survey and are seasonally adjusted. For more information, see "The Employment Situation: October 2004" (PDF) (TXT), news release USDL 04-2260. 


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