July 10, 2006 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Payroll employment in June 2006

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 121,000 in June to 135.2 million. This increase followed gains of 112,000 in April and 92,000 in May, as revised.

Over-the-month change in nonfarm payroll employment, April 2005-June 2006
[Chart data—TXT]

Over the month, job growth continued in health care, professional and business services, and mining; employment in manufacturing edged up.

Health care employment continued to trend up in June, with a gain of 19,000. Employment rose in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and nursing residential care facilities.

Employment in professional and business services also continued to grow in June. Employment edged up in accounting and bookkeeping services and in computer systems design.

In the goods-producing sector, mining employment grew by 6,000 in June. The industry has added 114,000 jobs since its most recent low in April 2003, largely reflecting gains in support activities for oil and gas.

Manufacturing employment edged up in June (+15,000), following a small decline in May. Over the month, employment was up in transportation equipment, machinery, and electrical equipment and appliances.

These data on employment are from the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program and have been seasonally adjusted. More information can be found in "The Employment Situation: June 2006" (PDF) (TXT), news release USDL 06-1172. Data for the most recent two months are preliminary. 

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