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Last Updated: 16 Sep 08
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The Military Vaccine Agency

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The Military Vaccine (MILVAX) Agency works to enhance military medical readiness and protect human health, by synchronizing information, delivering education, enhancing scientific understanding, promoting quality, and coordinating military immunization programs worldwide. The MILVAX Agency supports all five Armed Services, from its offices with the Army Surgeon General’s Office.


To protect and enhance the health of service members and military beneficiaries, by promoting excellence in immunization policy and practice.


To enhance military medical readiness and protect human health, by synchronizing information, delivering education, enhancing scientific understanding, promoting quality, and coordinating military immunization programs worldwide.


  • Science – We will conduct military immunization programs based on an objective foundation in the sciences, with an active program to add to scientific knowledge.
  • Quality – We will individualize immunization for the person being served, with due attention to screening for exemptions, vaccine storage and handling, staff education, and documentation. We will continuously improve our performance.
  • Care – We will attend to people’s needs before, during, and after immunization. We will address health problems after immunization, regardless of whether a vaccine can be shown to cause the problem or not.
  • Confidence – We will earn the confidence of the troops and their families through attention to science, quality, and care. We will foster understanding of the value of immunization.

Core Competencies:

The core competencies of the MILVAX Agency include:

  • Synchronize information among the Military Services and DoD staff elements
  • Deliver education for healthcare workers and the public (e.g., Immunization University, www.vaccines.mil(877) GET-VACC, Vaccines@amedd.army.mil
  • Promote quality in immunization understanding and delivery
  • Coordinate and assess U.S. military immunization programs worldwide
  • Assist senior DoD leaders with policy development, especially related to biodefense and pandemic issues
  • Safeguard shipping and handling of temperature-sensitive medical products
  • Enhance scientific understanding of the benefits and risks of vaccines
  • Foster mutually beneficial relationships between DoD, other government agencies, and professional associations related to immunizations
  • Integrate electronic immunization tracking efforts of DoD and the Services

A major component of the MILVAX Agency’s mission is “Immunization University,” developed in coordination with the Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network. Immunization University is an informal collection of guidelines and training resources to help staff make every immunization an excellent one. Designed to enhance the skills of healthcare workers from a variety of professional and paraprofessional backgrounds, Immunization University offers training on vaccine products and immunization services through distance learning and on-site classes sponsored by the Military Vaccine Agency. We are committed to making this the most fruitful single resource to access to a wide range of training products relating to immunization services.


Major outreach services of the MILVAX Agency include:

  Military Vaccine (MILVAX) Agency

            761 DSN
    703-681-4692 FAX

    8am ET - 6pm ET, Monday - Friday
    (except Federal holidays)


Regional Analysts:

Locate a Regional Analyst to assist you with your
vaccine questions or ITS issues

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