Communications Commission]

Last Updated June 11, 1998 jrm

International Bureau

NIS Telecommunications Equipment Certification Handbook

List of Certification Officials | Russian Federation--Certification System | LINK TO RUSSIAN FEDERATION CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT WEB PAGE | Ukraine--Certification System
International Experience with Certification | Ministry Seminar in Russia

FCC representation on the Working Group that developed the NIS handbook was provided by the International Bureau and the Office of Engineering and Technology.

SECTIONS OF THE HANDBOOK (all files WordPerfect 5.1 files)

Title Page, Table of Contents, Introduction, List of Participants (intro)

Part 1 Country-by-Country Descriptions

Questionnaire and Terms and Definitions (qtd)

Armenia -- Certification System (arm)
Belarus -- Certification System (bel)
Georgia -- Certification System (geo)
Kazakhstan -- Certification System (kaz)
Kyrgyz Republic -- Certification System (kyrg)
Latvia -- Certification System (lat)
Lithuania -- Certification System (lith)
Moldova -- Certification System (mol)
Russian Federation -- Certification System (rf)
Tajikistan -- Certification System (taj)
Turkmenistan -- Certification System (turk)
Ukraine -- Certification System (ukr)
Uzbekistan -- Certification System (uzbek)
United States of America -- Certification System (usa)

Comparative Chart (chart)

Part 2 International Experience with Certification (part2)


Armenia -- Mr. Ashot Surenovich Hairapetian, Deputy Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, 28 Nalbandian St., Yerevan; fax 011 374 2 151 856, tel 011 374 2 526 339.

Belarus -- Mr. Alexander Ivanovich Korzoun, Chief of the Institute Giprosviaz, ul. Surganova, 24, 220012 Minsk; fax 011 375 172 31 26 16, tel 011 375 172 32 00 25.

Georgia -- Mr. Guram Nikolaevich Razmadze, Chief of the Certification Department of Gruzstandart, ul. Chargalskaya, 67, 380092 Tbilisi .

Kazakhstan -- Mr. Bohai Kozhirovich Kozhirov, Chief of the Communications Equipment Certification Body TELSET, ul. Furmanova, 242, 480099 Almaty; fax 011 7 3272 54 23 60; tel 011 7 3272 64 35 98.

Kyrgyz Republic -- State Inspectorate for Standardization and Metrology Kyrgyzstandart, ul. Panfilov, 197, 720040 Bishkek; fax 011 7 331 2 26 47 08, tel 011 7 331 2 26 48 62; State Communications Inspectorate, ul. Sovetskaya, 7, 720005 Bishkek; fax 001 7 331 2 47 76 31, tel 011 7 331 2 42 23 12.

Latvia -- Mr. Adolf Jakobsons, Deputy Director of the Communications Department of the Ministry of Transport (and Chairman of the Certification Commission), 3 Gogol St., LV-1190 Riga; fax 011 371 7 24 23 25, tel 011 371 7 24 23 23.

Lithuania -- Mr. Eugenius Norkunas, Director, State Radio Frequency Service, 27 Algirdo St., 2006 Vilnius; fax 011 370 2 261 564, tel 011 370 2 261 117.

Moldova -- Mr. Ion Coshuleanu, Director, General Regulation Department, Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Stefan chel Mare Boulevard, 134, 277012 Chisinau; fax 011 373 2 24 15 53, tel 011 373 2 24 05 75.

Russian Federation -- Mr. Yuri Ivanovich Emelianov, Chief, Certification Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, ul. Tverskaya, 7, 103375 Moscow; fax 011 7 095 921 60 37, tel 011 7 095 924 23 75.

Tajikistan -- State Communications Inspectorate (GIS) in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Rudaki Prospect, 57, 734025 Dushanbe; fax 011 7 377 2 21 29 53, tel 011 7 377 2 21 77 08.

Turkmenistan -- Mr. Emberdy Mamedov, Chief, Technical Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, ul. Zhitnikov, 36, Ashgabat; fax 011 7 3632 39 04 20, tel 011 7 363 2 35 40 20.

Ukraine -- Mr. Nikolai Petrovich Orlenko, Chief of the Development Strategy and Scientific and Technical Policy Department, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, ul. Kreschatik, 22, 252001 GSP Kiev-1; fax 011 380 44 228 61 41, tel 011 380 44 226 28 40.

Uzbekistan -- Mr. Rikhsi Isakhojaevich Isaev, Chief, Research Center, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, ul. Navoi, 28-a, 700011 Tashkent; fax 011 7 3712 44 65 24, tel 011 7 3712 44 29 73.

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