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NASA Meatball Ikhana Photo Collection banner

NASA Dryden's Ikhana ground crewmen Gus Carreno and James Smith load the thermal-infrared imaging scanner pallet into the Ikhana's underwing payload pod.

Photo Number: ED07-0243-14
Photo Date: October 23, 2007
Formats: 640x574 JPEG Image (238 KBytes)
1280x1148 JPEG Image (712 KBytes)
3000x2690 JPEG Image (3427 KBytes)
NASA Dryden's Ikhana ground crewmen Gus Carreno and James Smith load the thermal-infrared imaging scanner pallet into the Ikhana's underwing payload pod.
In response to a request from the California Office of Emergency Services and the National Interagency Fire Center, NASA flew an aircraft equipped with sophisticated infrared imaging equipment in October, 2007, to assist firefighters battling several of the Southern California wildfires.

The Ikhana unmanned aircraft system, a Predator B modified for civil science and research missions, was launched from its base at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base. It flew over the major blazes burning in the Lake Arrowhead and Running Springs areas and down into San Diego County to image wildfires that raged in that area. The aircraft is controlled remotely by pilots in a ground control station at NASA Dryden.

The Ikhana was carrying the Autonomous Modular Scanner, a thermal-infrared imaging system developed at NASA's Ames Research Center in Northern California. The system is capable of peering through heavy smoke and darkness to see hot spots, flames and temperature differences, processing the imagery on-board, and then transmitting that information in near real time so it can aid fire incident commanders in allocating their firefighting resources.

The images are transmitted through a communications satellite to NASA Ames where the imagery is placed on an Ames Web site, combined with Google Earth maps, and then transmitted to the interagency fire center in Boise, Idaho, where it is then made available to incident commanders in the field.

The system was validated recently during a series of wildfire imaging demonstration missions conducted by NASA and the U.S. Forest Service in August and September.

NASA Photo by: Tom Tschida
Keywords: Ikhana, California Office of Emergency Services, National Interagency Fire Center, Southern California wildfires, unmanned aircraft, Predator B, Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs, ground control station, Autonomous Modular Scanner, thermal-infrared imaging system, Ames Research Center, Google Earth maps, interagency fire center, Boise, Idaho, U.S. Forest Service

Last Modified: October 25, 2007
Responsible NASA Official: Marty Curry
Curator: PAO Webmasters

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