Educator Astronaut Program:


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Teacher Preparation
And Enhancement

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Curriculum Support
and Dissemination

Educational Technology

Research & Development



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Request Information


Online Educational Activities


Curator: Dave Mazza

Responsible Official :
Jo Ann Charleston


Join the NASA Glenn Research Center educator or student mailing list to receive announcements of upcoming workshops and programs at NASA Glenn Research Center. Our goal is to inform you as quickly as possible when new educational events are announced.

CAREFUL: To prevent your request from being rejected you must follow the directions below exactly. It will be interpreted automatically by our computer and must be entered as shown without additional punctuation or comments. If you receive a rejection notification please submit your request again.

Subscribing to the Teacher Mailing List

1. Send an e-mail message to:

2. The subject line should be left blank. If your e-mail system requires an entry in the subject line, put a single period character in the subject line.

3. On the first line of the body of the message type:
subscribe teachers

4. NASA Glenn Research Center will send you e-mail confirmation that you have been added to the Teacher Mailing List.

Subscribing to the Student Mailing List

*if you are under 13 years of age, please click here to subscribe to the Student Mailing List*

1. Send an e-mail message to:

2. The subject line should be left blank. If your e-mail system requires an entry in the subject line, put a single period character in the subject line.

3. On the first line of the body of the message type:
subscribe students

4. NASA Glenn Research Center will send you e-mail confirmation that you have been added to the Student Mailing List.

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