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SCC/MLA Offers Help to Colleagues Affected by Ike

Forwarded from Joy Summers-Ables, President of SCC/MLA:

It’s comforting to hear the updates from our colleagues along the Gulf of Mexico, so that we know how you’re doing.  The impact from Hurricane Ike has been devastating and it’s apparent that moving back into these areas and subsequent recovery will take some time.

On behalf of SCC, I’d like to let extend a willingness to assist those in affected areas that may have needs, regardless of the nature.  Please pass this message along to those that do not have means to access email.  Inquiries or requests made to SCC can be sent to me and will be distributed appropriately.

We hope that you, your families, co-workers and friends are safe; you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Joy Summers-Ables, President
South Central Chapter/ Medical Library Association

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