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Thursday, November 01, 2007
Contact: Nancy Singer
(202) 366-0660
FHWA 20-07

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters Releases $123.5 Million in Funding for I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters today announced that $123.5 million in emergency relief funding was released to help pay for rebuilding the I-35W bridge that collapsed in August. This brings the total federal transportation investment in the recovery and rebuilding effort to $183.5 million.

"The President and I continue to provide the federal government's full support and the necessary financial resources to rebuild this bridge," Secretary Peters said.

Secretary Peters added that the Department remains committed to paying the full cost of eligible repairs to rebuild the bridge and will reimburse Minnesota as additional costs are incurred.

On August 2, only hours after the bridge collapse, Secretary Peters was on the bridge site to bring $5 million in immediate federal relief to restore traffic flow in the area, clear debris and start the repairs. An additional $50 million followed soon after for bridge-related repair and recovery efforts along with $5 million in transit assistance.

"We meant it when we said the federal government would continue to do everything possible to get the community up and running again," Secretary Peters added.

The FHWA's emergency relief program provides funds to states for the repair or reconstruction of federal-aid highways damaged by natural disasters or catastrophic events. The program typically works on a reimbursable basis.

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